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Share your quitting journey

8,212,500 Steps Later

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I’ve been on this Quit Journey Exactly 4 ½ Years today! The average American takes about 5000 steps a day so I’ve taken some 8 Million plus steps in these 1645 days. We do so without even thinking. With each step we let go of the place we were and trusting the mechanics we’ve learned over a lifetime accept that the ground we land on will be safe. Generally we do this with little or no awareness of the complexity of what we just carried out!


Our quit journey is a journey of thousands of miles! It starts with a willingness to consider the possibility of Smoke FREE Living. We have to let go, let go, let go of what we have come to believe is our identity – a Smoker! It’s not usually the physical withdrawal that gets us – it’s the psychological withdrawal. The willingness to allow that smoke cloud to lift and to see who is really lingering underneath!


The lack of self-acceptance is a problem for many of us. This subtle defect is difficult to identify and often goes unrecognized. Many of us believed that smoking was our only problem, denying the fact that we often smoked to hide our perceived imperfections. We live in a Society that tells us that where we’re at is never good enough! We must strive to better ourselves somehow when in fact,


Even after we stop smoking, denial can continue to plague us. Many of the problems we experience in ongoing recovery stem from an inability to accept ourselves on a deep level. We may not even realize that this discomfort is the source of our problem, because it is often manifested in other ways.  We may find ourselves becoming irritable or judgmental, discontent, depressed, or confused. We may hide these feelings behind the thought that “I’m being deprived of my Best Friend!” Accepting our feelings we can see more clearly where we are and even glimpse where we’re going!


When we accept our true selves, we recognize thoughts as simply that – thoughts. They don’t rule our awareness! Now, we know that thinking isn’t the only state for humans and not even the highest state. Thinking loses it’s predominant place in our lives and actually becomes more effective! Feelings no longer become exaggerated in importance! They’re not ignored but they’re not bigger than LIFE either!



Today, the first step toward self-acceptance is acceptance of our addiction. We must accept our disease and all the troubles that it brings us before we can accept ourselves as God’s Children. When we understand the nature of Nicotine Addiction we let go of blaming ourselves and begin the process of reclaiming our Brains!


We identify the Executive Control of our Brains as separate and apart from our Addicted Brain. We take control! Decisions are no longer made based on Addiction but upon our Values! Self Awareness leads to Self Acceptance leads to Self Determination!

Step by step by step…..


About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1