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77 days smoke free

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If someone would have told me 78 days ago that I would be this far into quitting smoking I would have told them they may be smokin something besides tobacco. Well, honestly 80ish days ago I had a discussion with my daughter that went something like this.......

(sitting on her front deck, drinking coffee and smoking cigarette after cigarette discussing world problems my health came up) I told her I had noticed the last year especially I had almost totally removed myself from family functions. If she and her dad took our granddaughter somewhere I stayed home. If they went to the park, I stayed home. If they went to the mall, I stayed home. Pretty much anything that required walking any distance at all I stayed away from. While sitting on her deck smoking I also had coughing fit after coughing fit from a respitory infection. When the coughing got bad enough I went in and drank some cough syrup then went right back to smoking.
It dawned on me then that when we got back to our house I would go to the doctor and talk to them about these miracle quit smoking pills I had heard so much about. I didn't need the pills, a good scare works much better as a quitting tool.
For years (at least 2 or 3) I had TRIED to hide from my husband and family the effects smoking was having on me. I found out recently the only one I fooled was myself. (what a dork I was) I would get so out of breath doing the simplest of things I just would avoid doing those things while someone was around me. I would go into the bathroom and cough into a towel trying not to let anyone hear me.
A smart person would have thrown out those cigarettes years ago when this first started effecting them... not me. I was determined.

Anyway long story short... I quit and am now a non smoker of 77 days. I have very few triggers left I think. We have buried 2 of our friends, I am in the process of a divorce, I was diagnosed with a life altering disease due to smoking and poor judgement. All of this within those 77 days. So I figure as far as excuses go I had a few I could have pulled out. The only one I would hurt would have been myself though.

SO..... for you people who have excuses to continue smoking due to upcoming stressful situations... or for those of you who use stress to start smoking again... PFFTTTTT. That's just weakness. Put the damn things down already and get on with your life.

It's like that saying I used to hear about having children. If everyone who wanted children waited until they could afford them, no one would ever have any children.

If everyone who wanted to quit smoking waited for a stress free life no one would ever quit smoking. There will always be an excuse to light up. Don't fall for that. Set your mind to it and do it.

LoL, for my friends who have wondered how I am doing. Can you tell???? I seem to be a little pissy.
It's the mourning process I think I am going through. First your sad about the situation, then numb and finally I am just pissed.
I do so appreciate everyones kindness and thoughts. This site is really so wonderful and the friends I have made are true friends.
Monday or Tuesday the divorce will be final. It has been mentioned to me I may want to hire an attorney to help me with the Social Security office. I have already been denied once back in July and god knows so much has changed since then. I will keep you all posted. Sorry I haven't left messages for you. I do pop in and read how you are all doing and comment when I can't keep my fingers to themselves, but I really didn't want to leave messages when I just want to cuss. LOL Take care and hopefully soon I can come back and be fairly calm again.
Yeah, yeah! Great post! I'm going through a rough time too and there is no excuse that I could ever come up with to smoke because there isn't one. I think you're doing great! Congradulations on 77 days!
Good advice. I needed to hear your story because I've been really tempted lately. Thanks Kellie.
Congratulations on your quit! Thanks for posting a great blog! Life=stress! I am having trouble with my blood pressure right now. I know if i quit it will improve but the addiction has always cheated me out of feeling well! Best wishes to you...keep it have a Great Quit going!
You Go Ms. Kellie!! you are doing GRRRRREEEAATTT!!! you can come to me and cuss if you like. i dont mind. 😉
Kelli, I always take a peek when I see one of your comments or blogs. You always make good sense to me. 😉 This was a great one! Maria - Mammi

Women Comments - Women Comments

hey kellie...your post is very inspirational. congrats on your 77th day. things will work out for a determined, courageous, and strong woman like yourself. your "pissiness" is mild, go ahead and use the #*&^# keys, say what you need to say; get it out and get on with it. you are a wonderful example of how not to let life get in the way of a great quit. keep going, girlfriend. by the way, today is my 7th day, after 40 years of smoking. hats off to you!
NIce job. Don't become complacent though. Those cravings can be sneaky buggers.
For any of you who want to use me as the "What not to do" posterchild... please do!! It would almost somehow make what is happening to me worth something.

Go to my page, read some blogs and find out what exactly continuing to smoke can do to someone. Everyone who smokes has the same "remarks" running through their heads. "It won't happen to me". "I have time to quit later". "This cough is just a cold, it will pass".

I promise you life without cigarettes is where you want to be.
amen sister
It is what it is and its true we would only be hurting ourselves if we ever went back. You are rockin it and we will beat this.... I cant believe how fast its going really... that good because once you get it you just get it. Im really wishing you all the best and so proud of you lady!