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Share your quitting journey

70th day status update(the hey wtf remix).

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Well thanks to Jojo for letting me know it was my 70th day(Hey wtf!?!?!).


So here goes for all of the people in their first minutes/hours/days/weeks:

I was a 2 pack a day smoker for almost 20 years.  I quit cold turkey.  I went through all of the regular symptoms of withdrawal, sleeplessness, headaches, mad cravings(in the first two weeks), depression, weird tongue crap, moodiness(that's putting it lightly... more like Satan want's his job back), irritability, didn't know what to do with my self... and the list goes on.

Around 14 days the cravings stopped coming and my tongue became pink(wtf it can do that?). 

Around 30 days my elation with quitting went away and it became more of a drudgery(double-U tee eff).  At this time I believe I started seeing just how much smoking had covered up things in my life and I realized just how big of a life change quitting is.  I became a little overwhelmed but the good people here helped me through.

Around 40 days I realized I really had quit(wtf!?!?!) and it stopped being a drudgery. 

Around 45 days I forgot that I used to smoke(I had a WTF moment when I was walking along the road and a car drove by with cigarette smoke billowing out and it was so offensive that I stopped in my tracks and crinkled my nose and said, "wtf" out loud). 

Around day 50ish I started sleeping again(Hey 4 hours is better than 2). 

Around day 60ish I started, started to come out of my depression(My life is like a dark abyss, spiralling down, down d- hey wtf!?!?!).

Now I am here at day 70 and I realize I don't even count the days anymore(which is good because I only have 10 fingers and 10 toes and counting got very complicated).  It's a good thing I have the quit clock.  At first the quit clock was the slowest thing always reminding me how far I had to go to get to the next day.  Now I look at it and think,  "Hey wtf!?!? Where did the time go?"


So!  Take heart.  It may seem like time is crawling by right now.  This too shall pass.

I have never completed anything in my life and yet here I am.  If I can do it so can you.
