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Share your quitting journey

70 millionth try shall we

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ive tried to stop smoking. the job i have plus the second on top to make ends meet just adds stress then add drinking, {not same day} driving two and a half hours once a month to another town for my 1st or second job depending how you look at it. sadly i started while in the military and just didnt stop. right now ive been trying to quit for three years. its hard to have a POS job on top of reserves. Added on top of that my girl of 1 1/2  years im planning on proposing to coming this coming weeks. the stress is adding up and the cigs keep stacking. not many people i can talk to about this since everyone i know is tied into the girl im asking. Trying to quit to be healthier and happier in the long run with my wife to be.


any and all advice is much appreciated.




It would be wonderful to start your new "life"(marriage) without smoking, keep it simple and one day at a time! Good luck!


The stress will be there whether you smoke or not.  Stress is part of life.  The days you will add to your life with her by quitting won't be there if you don't decide to quit.  Your choice.   Good luck with your deision.


Everyone has stress. It's part of life. The trick is to understand how smoking has nothing to do with easing stress. Go to They do a good job of explaining why you smoke. Knowledge is power. The more you know about what you're up against, the better prepared you'll be to handle your quit.

I can't think os a better gift to yourself and to your fiance.

Choose life.


Dude, smoking adds stress!! Definitely read up to prepare yourself and then just DO IT. Just STOP smoking. CEASE smoking. NO MORE. Make not smoking more of a part of your life than smoking ever was. You'll be SO MUCH HAPPIER!!!! Also, you'll smell wonderful to your fiance, and she'll be so proud of you.


Welcome to the site - you have come to the right place! I would recommend some education about nicotine addiction - really helped me - plus I read lots and lots of blogs here and Allen Carr's book - The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.You can do this! Jules is so rigth - smoking acutally causes the stress....I was totally amazed to learn that! Read, read, read!