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7 Weeks and counting

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WOW it has been 7 weeks of not smoking. This is a new record for me. I am really proud of myself. I never thought I would make it this long. My husband has not been very supportive of my quitting. He smokes in front on me and making rude comments. He told me one day that his best friend was thinking about quitting cigarettes and if he tried he would not smoke in front of him (all the while steadily smoking a cigarette in front of me) With or without his help I am determined to make it this time.
You go girl....funny how hubby will be supportive of a friend but not you. Perhaps, Betty he feels betrayed, since you quit and left him behind with his smokes. You aren't co-dependents now. So he may be angry he doesn't have you around to smoke with. You just keep ROCKIN!! You are doing so Great and I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! You are beating the odds.....boy, if you can do this with a smoker in your face....anyone can do this!!! Warm smiles and Huggs my friend!!
Fantastic on 7 weeks! Remember addicts are always looking for someone to share their addiction. They don't want to do it alone. I remember all the times I looked for my work smoking buddy to go outside with. Made a lot of friends outside my building that way too. You are doing great!
7 weeks is fantastic ! Wtg not letting any one stop you, try and keep positive thoughts going they help bunches!
7 weeks while living with a smoker is AWESOME!!!

Hi Betty, my husband said to me "you'll be smoking Friday" (we have a wedding, and all my sisters in law smoke and will be there). Sure I'll be tempted, but I reminded him, I would appreciate his support. He used to smoke a lot and has become a "social smoker" the past year, so we are quitting together, but this is a bit easier for him! I just remind him over and over again I need his support, whether he feels like it or not. Hell, I cook if I feel like it or not! Keep on keepin on!
That is AWESEOME! Im proud of you toooooo!!!!!
Your husband sounds like a jerk. Sorry, but i had to say it. 😞 Tell him to ask his buddy to make his dinner and lay down with him at night since he's so supportive of him. Grrrrrr.. ok, im done. Once again, sorry and feel free to delete this, but had to be said.
Thank you all for your support. I did not know if I was over reacting to the situation or really had a right to be mad. It really upset me when he said it, but I was afraid I was just over reacting because I want a cigarette.Thanks again.
I think it is important to remember we can't control another persons addictions. That sort of activity can make us insane and as sick as they are in their addiction. And, we are addicts too. We are just making it for today. Michael is right in asking your husband to smoke outside. You have the right to clean air, just not the right to insist he quit too. When he is being a butt head it will not effect you if he is doing it standing outside 🙂
Congrats on 7 weeks!!!
what does your husband have to do with it?
I thought you were the one who is quitting...
I will support you.
does that help?
Hang in there Julie they may be stupid and disrespectful, but we do not have to be stupid. I am still quit and it has been over 2 months now. I am determined to win this time and quit for good. Good luck with your quit