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Share your quitting journey

7 Days x 2

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Today I was made very aware of why I needed to quote so close together.  Anna wanted me to see exactly what I am like when I quit an addiction or an overuse of something.  It has been like sitting with a video and hitting rewind a lot, a lot times.

Say something, rewind catch my tone.  Say something rewind, catch the order my phrasing or the words used.

Be interrupted, rewind did I roll my eyes or listen to what they said.  Some one out the dishes away wrong, they have only been in the same place for over a year, rewind am I getting upset because I moved things Many times until I was happy.  When you see your own righteous indignation and turn it calmly back on yourself it isn't something you will forget soon.

I humbly pray Abba will leave the auto rewind stuck for a awhile that I may learn to do more of His will and less of mine.  May this be the beginning of a longer deeper relationship with Him.  By the power in the name of Jesus Amen.


8 Days of the gift of Freedom.

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About the Author
I'm a 55 year old grandmother of 10 wonderful grandchildren. I'm 22 years into my 3rd and greatest marriage. We have a blended family of 8 kids 4 his 2 mine and 2 ours. I chose to retire from bookkeeping at the same time my husband retired from working. I'm a country girl at heart and figuring out how to be one in real life.