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Share your quitting journey

61 F R E E K I N G D A Z E......AND LOVIN IT

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Hello my fellow EXER'S....Fell off the grid for a while, not to worry, was the grid, NOT the wagon. It has been 61 glorious days for me. BOO YEA....Ok I am tooting my horn but I am so happy about it and your the only friends, family that I can share it with and it's because of all of you it is real. Thanks,,,,really Thanks.

So I went to Savannah for St. Patrick's day celebration. If you ever get the chance go. What a great time with 300,000 other people. We stayed with some great friends, and had a great time. My smoking thing was funny, my buddy Mark (the one we were staying with), and I went out in the garage to see his new bike (motorcycle) and he lit up a but, he looked at me and said, "dude.....did you quit smoking?".....I said yep, gave it up for my new years and new life. He said dude I'm sorry.....I'll go outside. this is your house. Don't do anything different for me man.....I'm fine. He was so impressed that I quit, he wanted to know all about it, how, why, how bad is it......I told him about this awesome place where all your friends support you in every way and make it so easy you will not believe it. He is so sick of smoking, they hate it where he works, and he knows he is going to have to do it. I hope to see him here soon.

Anyway I'm back, smoke free still, and forever. Miss my buds and look forward to getting caught up with you all.

Take care
