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Share your quitting journey

6 months and counting

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I was going to post on August 6 that I was 6 months into the Quit, but have been much too busy with the grandbaby.  That day we were driving from Atlanta to Venice, FL with my 2 girls.  The trip was a nightmare with blocked interstate and a 8 1/2 hour trip turned into 11 hours plus.  The baby was fine - the adults were exhausted. 

I could go on about that wonderful child, but will get back on the subject of 6 months.  For the 2 weeks approaching the anniversary, I was a wreck.  I didn't want to smoke, but was thinking about it all the time and had that edgy feeling back.  I don't know what that is about, but did a similar thing as the 3 month mark was approaching, but those were big time craves. 

I feel comfortable in the Quit, but also am scared that I will start again.  I do think about and feel deeply that not smoking is a wonderful way to be.  I am more relaxed about most things.  The things that make me crazy did so when I was still smoking.  I do find I am much less tolerant of others that I used to be.  One theory is that I put myself first and won't put up with the crap any more.  If I am strong enough to not smoke for 6 months, I am strong enough for about any challange.  One of my heroes was a man here who Quit after a dear friend died of lung cancer.  He had been a lifelong smoker.  After being Quit a year, he set about to lose the 60 pounds that he gained and he did.  Today I learned that he is smoking again.  Yipes! That scares me!

I do enjoy commenting on other peoples blogs.  Many people say they do it to give back and help others.  Yeah, but I'm more selfish than that.  I find that when I write a comment, it helps mne clairify my own thinking.  Several people have expressed concern that I spend too much time here and its making it harder to forget about smoking.  I plan to hang around until I no longer am getting things out of being here and I totally lose the fear of a relapse.  Personally, I think losing the fear of a relapse would be a bad sign.

Thanks to all of you beautiful people who have shared the journey with me.