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52 days down

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I'm on day 53 of my quit and I'm doing good.  Even though I'm in NML I have very few cravings and the ones that I do get seem to pass within seconds.  I don't think I could have made it this far without any of my wonderful EX family.  Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!

Taking a step back from the EX site was needed to get my weight loss journey started.  I think within the next couple of weeks I'll be able to get back to posting more and reading more blogs on here and I look forward to that.  So, as requested by some of my EX friends, here is an update on that part of my life.  I have lost almost 5 pounds in the last 7 days.  I have commited to working out no less than 30 minutes a day and I actually look forward to my workouts most days.  I still have some diet tweaking to do but things are coming together nicely. 

I look back to who I was 53 days ago and I see how far I have come.  There is no way I could have kept up with the workouts if I still smoked.  Deciding to give up cigarettes once and for all was the stepping stone for my new life.  There's no going back now.  I'm on the road to the new me and I'm cruising along with the top down and no clouds in site.  Sunny days are ahead and the new me is slowly emerging day by day.

Again, thank you all for helping me get this far!

Raven  quit 5/18/13