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50 DOF today! and....sleep study

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Hi friends,

Today marks 50 DOF for me!!  It may not be that many days, but each day counts, and I am continuing to protect my quit one day at a time.  Just got my results for my sleep study and just as I thought, I have severe sleep apnea, it's not fun, but now it's just a matter of getting my CPAP machine, which will take some know, my PCP has to review results, Insurance company has to get everything and then finally get my equipment ordered.  Its a process lol.  I have to say, I still have insomnia and nasal congestion but hopefully relief is right around the corner.  I'm terrified to sleep, but eventually I do sleep from exhaustion mostly.  I don't know how long insomnia lasts when a person quits smoking, but mine seems to be lasting a while, sucks, but this too shall pass.  I know I am not sounding very positive, but this is just because of frustration with insomnia, but I keep plugging away and I am not giving nicotine the upper hand, so nasty ciggs can just go eff off lol.  Glad to be rid of those coffin nails!!  Better days and nights await!!

PS...if you see Santa early please let him know.....all I want for Christmas is a CPAP machine 🎅🎅🤶🤶 now that's one ya don't hear very often is it! 


God Bless,

Wingsbluecheese (Inesa)

About the Author
I smoked for over 32 years, I am now 52 years old. My quit journey began when I got a bad case of bronchitis. I wasn't even thinking on quitting at all, but I couldn't smoke, the bronchitis was bad, and before I even knew it, I hadn't had a cigarette in 4 days. My BF said, look, now is the time to quit, you are already 4 days into it, keep going, so I gave this some thought and said to myself let's do this. My quit date was October 26th, 2021. I also had a scare before I got bronchitis that I was in stage 3 kidney failure, well lots of blood taken and removal of NSAIDS (motrin, excedrin headache) and Celebrex for arthritis my kidneys are back to normal. It scared me, I didn't want to be on dialysis and I thought to myself if I can't stand the idea of being on dialysis what in the world am I doing smoking that causes cancer, COPD, emphysema etc....have I lost my mind?? I'm not saying quitting is easy by any means, probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do besides bury my family members. I take it one day at a time. I seek help through friends, family and this website which I have found some of the most amazing, caring and compassionate individuals who understand what I'm going through. God Bless, Inesa...wingsbluecheese