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47 hrs quit, how I beat the after dinner crave

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I quit two  weeks before my planned quit date. I still feel good about it, but man the cravings after dinner tonight were the most intense yet. Typically after dinner I step outside and smoke and take my dog out to do her business. Tonight I took a step towards the door, grabbed my breath mint and said the dog can wait- my husband took her out when he finished eating. I went immediately into the kitchen and cleaned the dinner dishes, thankful I had a few more then usual since it kept me busy until my husband went outside with the dog. I even had the Ol' Nic conversation with myself debating the fact that it would be okay if I slipped because technically it was still 12 days before the quit date I set two months ago. No that is not going to happen. I reset my quit to the 17th and that is it.  I finished the dishes and chose to not even go outside tonight. I know that when cravings hit I have to find a way to alter my typical routine, I knew if by the time I got to my computer this note would have been me reaching out just to get my mind off the crave. I always have my handy fall back of watching the Florida Eagle cam or googling baby animals..anything to just get my mind off going outside and smoking. Tonight, I decided since it was not necessary, to just avoid going outside. I know in the future I may not have that choice so I know if that happens I will grab my water, breath mint and phone. Oh and when my husband walked in and passed me I literately and silently said "eww" I could smell the smoke and am grateful I am reaching the point where it does not lead me to temptation.

About the Author
I quit smoking Oct 31st 2017. It was hard, I had rough moments, but even with my husband and roommate smoking I kept from smoking since I decided to do it for me. Aug 7th 2018 my husband quit smoking. September 18 my world was turned upside down as my husband died in front of me. February 19, 2019 I took a few tries after my husband passed, but I am no longer a smoker.