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4 months

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Is there something about the four month mark that seems to take a toll on quitters?  Seems reading this site and others that it seems stressful, stronger cravings, etc.  Is this the coming out of no mans land and the realization of the quit settling in?


Gee....I hope not 'cause that's where I'm at!!!LOL!!!!!  I'm not sure exactly what happens to some people....I can only go by how I feel.  I've relearned my life without cigarettes....sometimes it seems like a distant memory and sometimes the thought pops into your head that a cigarette would be nice right now and it scares you for a moment.  I shake my head (roll my eyes) and go do something else.  I don't focus on the thought and I don't give it the time of day or fantasize about it....I can imagine that could be very dangerous if you don't get it out of your mind. 

Great observation Moments!!!!  Take care and guard that quit!!!! Cindy


I'm just getting close to my third month so I really can't answer your question. I do know that I still get cravings though I've learned to put them into the back of my mind. Be sure to blog about it. I'm sure we could all use any enlightenment that you might have for us!!


Everyone is different, and NML can drag on longer for some folks. I believe there's a parallel to the five stages of grieving -- saying goodbye to something and accepting that your life is different now. Better, in the case of quitting smoking, but still different. NML is somewhere around the bargaining/depression stage, and you still have to get yourself to acceptance.

Remembering that we're addicts and always will be is one of the keys. Complacency, arrogance, forgetting NOPE, can all lead to new craves and anxieties.

Struggling through this myself, so good timing on your question.


Im a day shy of the 4 month mark and it seems like all I have read folks are having a tough time.  I've had a few strong urges but than I am finding it is doing things outside that used to call for the smoke break so for me it's still just the adjusting still.  It seems like most of them are having urges strong like in the beginning and some have caved...I no way want to go back to the beginning.  Mother Goose said it's not an option...she said the nicodemon rears it's ugly head harder when it realizes you are serious about your quit and you are not giving in.  You loose nicodemon...u loose.


When I think about having a cigarette, I immediately envision a cloud of stinky smoke wrapped around my head.  I truely visualize it and feel it.   Its a new "association" for a behavior that I used to think was pleasant.  and I know that I can't have just one.  For a axiety crave that won't go away, I use a piece of nic-gum or a toothpick.   I am only on my 10th day this time,  and all I know is that I do not want to buy a pack.  

Seems to me that a lot of us had arough time right when we thought we should be out of the woods - I know I did! I call it Nico-Demon's Death throes!!! His last chance to get your attention and bring you down! I had to treat these episodes as if I were in WEEK ONE! The Good News is this is really the last biggy in your path to FREEDOM! The lesson - never become complacent!

THOMAS' advise is sound. Treat the urges like you treated the cravings in week one. Also laugh at the urges - it really does help dispel the nicodemon and quickly!

I wnet tru the same thing you are experiencing - in fact many did as you pointed out. Review the uit material that helped you, make sure to have a quit kti ready, drjnk plenty of water and divert you attentions elsewhere. Blog again if you need to!


Thanks Maggie...I'm just curious as it seems like I said in this site and others that the four month mark has it's own description!  I'm doing just fine with my quit and whatever surfaces from it I'm just dealing with it at this day or the past days. I know the adjusting is gonna b around a lifetime and that I welcome, but smoking I don't.   It was just somethng that I noticed and thought I would ask about and I'm glad to see the discussion....thanks everyone!


In my fourth month I thought I was never ever going to get out of No Man's Land. Dale said 130 days is when you are officially out of NML.  What you are feeling is that Demon wanting you back. He knows you are leaving it. Just smile and tell it that's old news (Past). This is very crictical time for you. Hang in there and listen to Thomas and Maggiethey knows best, Fight it like it's your first day.


4 months  or a bit longer is the time you should not be thinking of yourself as a smoker anymore.

you've worked through 4 months of life and emotions.

you will rarely have an occasional thought of smoking and its oprobably going to come during the

seasonal triggers you have not been through yet

you have the power though.

just don't give it away


i am at the 30 day mark and felt sick today.. still struggling to breathe alittle even with the prednisone. My doasage has been cut dowm. I do not have an option. like Mother Goose says. I can still feel my lungs literally burning. I gave into my glazed donut crave instead today. I took my nice long walk and then felt ill and dizzy this afternoon. Maybe the sugar high?


I'm not quite at the 4 month mark yet, just at 111 days and I can tell you that at times, like today,while driving with windows down, I see and smell other drivers smoking and I have to really get a good look at them, then all of a sudden I do what Nan does, I think of the smoke all around my head and in my eyes and how it use to burn and how the heck did I ever drive properly while smoking.