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315 DOF Behind Me, 50 to GO!

7 16 141

Like Sandy-9-17-17‌ before me, I am counting down to a YEAR!!!

And it'll get super easy because my first day of freedom was CHRISTMAS!

I feel like I haven't done much in the village of In-Betweenerville

(that space after No Man's Land) but it's definitely been a very important time of healing.

During these few months I've learned to live on my own. And by that I mean without my former friend, Nicotine. Now I know that when I need that extra "something" it's usually a nice cold drink. Now I know that when I've finished a task and need a break, I sit down, stare out the window, or more importantly, GO FOR A WALK.

My daily walks (when it's not raining) have really helped me fight off the sluggishness of quitting. I get my body moving, and it feels so much better. 

Coming here to the EX community every morning has become an essential part of my routine. It's also not an exaggeration to say it's been an essential part of guarding my quit. I know I'll be back here in the morning, and I want to keep coming back here proudly.

This has been, and continues to be, one of my greatest accomplishments, and the support here has been (and will always be) priceless. Cue the countdown!


About the Author
I became nicotine-free on Christmas Day 2017. That's what I use as my quit date. I had smoked cigarettes for 45 years, then vaped Juuls for a few months before quitting cold turkey when I used up my supply of pods. I am a retired widow, living in Upstate NY.