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311 Happy, Nicotine/Smokefree Days

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Congratulations to all the great milestones today and to those that made the decision to quit today. Remember, the decision is harder than the actual quit.

I'm proof it can be one, I smoked 2 packs , sometimes more, per day for 36 years.


High five, James! So from your picture you were -10 when you started smoking 36 years ago? *grin*


You are right - making that decision was much harder than the actual quit! Congrats James.


I am very happy to see that you are just a little bit shy of celebrating your first year.  I quit a little over a year ago and try to check in on this site every now and then.. sometimes to take and sometimes to give.  I recall reading one of your early blogs and remember thinking that you sounded like one of the ones that would make it.  I don't recall what you had written but it was from your heart and I was touched.

I too smoked for 36 years, sometimes a pack, sometimes two.. quit last year at 51 years old.  I still can't believe that I did it.. I feel like I dodged a bullet and am soooo grateful for not having to smoke anymore.

Congratulations to us huh?  Children of the 70's finally getting rid of a nasty 35 year habit...