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30 days today

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Another milestone to celebrate today. I  am thankful  . One month smoke free and the changes in my mind and body is amazing  . I have had crave free days . Even the cravings are different now. Or maybe I see them different and can deal with them different . Relapse is always in the back of my mind because as I read of course I see the stats . I have done it cold turkey will no NRT . Yet I also know my quit is up to ME I dont have to be just a stat . I am more then a number . I can make and continue to make the choice I have made these past 30 days . NOPE. The freedom is amazing . Going to the movies .. out to dinner.. when I go to the park for a walk !! I get to sleep a half hour later ... my bosses boss called me his hero the other day when he popped his head in my office to ask me  how my quit was going . I come here and read everyday even if I dont post alot this site has been a lifesaver . Thank you all for your support . For the kind words and the kick in the ass when i needed it .




WTG Nae, continue your FREEDOM journey♥


Lots of tough love here!!  But it keeps us on the straight and narrow!



wow 1 month smoke free is great!! You should be so proud of yourself!!


I love your committment to not smoking. That is the difference between "trying" to quit and simply deciding you are "DONE" with it forever. Congratulations, you can do this! It's amazing what else you will find you can do with all this newfound confidence that comes along with the quit.

I have almost 6 months quit under my belt after 32+ years of smoking. Craves do not hit me anymore however, every now and then if I smell it, the memory of smoking comes to me, but I do not want to smoke one. I worked hard to get here where my mind is finally free and not a slave to thinking about cigarettes anymore. I will not trade this freedom for anything. Welcome to your freedom Nae!


Thank you all . Yes I am proud . I see what y ou mean Connie it does tend to bleed over to other aspect of your life  and thinking ,. Before I would think oh I cant do that . Now when I think that I think well why cant I? I have smoked for X amount of days so I bet I can do that ! Its amazing what we can do if we dont stop  ourselves from doing it !


Congrats on one month!!