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Share your quitting journey

263 Nicotine/Smoke Free Days. Happy, Peaceful

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My very first blog I believe was about issues other than smoking and how maybe they need to be dealt with before embarking on quitting Nicotine. When people enter treatment for drugs, which this is, they are usually forced to face some very difficult truths about themselves,, usually involving not blaming others for our mistakes, only we have the power to regulate our behavior and our end results in life. Sure some things are more difficult than others but if you want something and I mean really want something we can usually acheive it.

I turned over a new leaf in life about a year before I quit smoking maybe longer I don't remember exactly but I remember being tired of being miserable, and unhappy and feeling like  por old me, nobody understands, nobody knows what I've been through. Well the truth is  most people did know in some shape or form they and we have all had our crosses to bare.

I decided one fine day to be happy and to be happy through thick and thin and by talking to myself on a daily basis I am happy and free and peaceful and laugh out loud like I've never laughted before in my life.

When I picked a day to quit smoking I didn't say try, hope, luck I just said I AM quitting Christmas day of 2009 and I will not be miserable.I made the decision, declared it, stuck by it.

I took Chantix for 3 weeks prior and smoked and on my quit date I took the last dose, then nothing.

I gave myself permission to moan and groan for 72 hours and then said ok I'm free now and I'm going to start living. And I did, I am happy, everything is not perfect in my life but I can decide on a daily basis how it affects me and I choose to be happy.

This is James "The Happy Quitter" after smoking 2 packs a day for 36 years.

Thanks fellow Ex er's

Thanks for such a Wonderful Blog!

inspirational james, thanks


Wow, what a positive approach! Good for you!


Love, love, LOVE your blogs.....they always bring a smile to my face! Thanks!


This is a great blog James, thank you