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Share your quitting journey


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So, I have to be honest, I think I need some help and reassurance. I am 8 months pregnant and havent touched a cigarette since Aug 2nd 2010 and my plan is not to.

But lately. I have been thinking about having a cigarette after the baby is born. Im not sure why, I want to say that some days after I accomplished a big project (when I was a smoker), I would take 5 minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with a cigarette outdoors, it was my time. I want that feeling again, im fearful of myself. I dont want to smoke, why do I feel that I need one?


Well, it wasnt your time. It was the nicotine monsters time. You had no controll over this feeling, the nicotine was making you smoke that cig to feed the monster. You now have control of YOUR TIME. Dont waste your time smoking, 


PG is right.  We are forever addicts and our brains will forever try to find a way to get the nicotine back.  But you are in control now, not the addiction, so no worries.  Enjoy the power of being a quitter.


Could be because your 8 months pregnant....aren't hormones great????  When you picture yourself enjoying a cup of coffee with a cigarette sitting outside, are you pregnant? I'm guessing that you're not.  Hopefully you are feeling like every other expectant mother feels at 8 months, you just want it over with and your life back the way it was before you were pregnant!  That's not going to happen, of course, but you can still dream about it....just don't smoke.  Enjoy that baby....he or she is going to keep you sooooo busy you won't have time to worry about smoking!   Congratulations!


The 2006 US Surgeon General's report reached some important conclusions:

  • Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke.
  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma. Smoking by parents causes breathing (respiratory) symptoms and slows lung growth in their children.

.   First of all - hugs to you from me.  You know I occasionally have similar feelings and have to work to push the thoughts away.  Of courfse I'm not pregnant so we don't have that in common.  But we do have hormones and such and right now mine are not in balance. The docs are working with me to fix that. So maybe that does have something to do with it. No matter what, you have come too far to turn around now, or in a month. You've also read the sotries about having just one and know that is a crock.  Leeza's comments are appropriate also. Not to mention the financial aspect - and with a new baby? Gosh.  Perhaps it is time to revist the materials you read in the beginning as your prepared for your quit. If you go to my page there are several links to most of them - nice and easy for you!  No matter what please come back here again at least 3 times before you made a choice you'll regret. Wait for responses each time.  I care about you.  I'm here for you.  Please remember that. And remember NOPE and NEF. Bless you!                                                                           


Go to They do a good job of explaining how we attach feelings to the act of smoking. You need to learn a new way of enjoying 5 minutes without being destructive to yourself.


Thank you everyone! Like I said- I dont want to, but those demons are still there..... I do have the power and I am in control. It will always be a battle we will have to fight as non smokers.


After years of smoking, of course we're going to have thoughts and memories of the dopamine rush we used to get, especially associating that with some reward, relaxation.  But the good news is it's just a thought, we don't have to act on it anymore! 

I also encourage you to  visit and take their free course.  Many women quit while pregnant and smoke again after the baby is born.  Please know, it can be years before you quit again.  Precious years where you are doing harm to your body.  You've done great, now get your mind back in reality and be a "forever" quitter.  That's something worth obsessing over!


Will you be nursing your baby? Do you want your baby to smell her mom like an ash tray?

Hey, I know you won't pick up one of those Sickorettes......

You're too far along......THE QUIT........

AND the baby!


You are eight months pregnant and have been quit since August 2, 2010.  Forget about them.  Continue to bless your newborn with your quit too.  He/she has enjoyed eight months of clearn, fresh air inside you, why poison him/her now or even after he/she is born.  Share your quit with your newborn.  I wished I had done that.  Take care!


Those are just junkie thoughts----they stay with us and tempt us at the strangest times. You do NOT want any feeling associated with smoking ever again. You just think you do! Adjust your thinking. Imagine your baby looking up into your face as you are smiling OR looking up into your face as you are smoking. Which picture is the right one??? Choose wisely 'cause it is ALWAYS your choice.