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22 Days!

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I got through the weekend and my son's melt down.

I'm really happy I managed to get through all that and still stay quit.

As for the kid... and his "You f____d up my life" well... I wish I'd thought of that! For if I had, I could blame my mom and dad for all of my screw-ups in this life. I'll have to remember that the next time something doesn't work out quite the way I want it. The best part is, I don't have to blame myself, I can blame them! What a concept.

I can blame them for my smoking, even though the didn't shove a smoke in my face and light it!

I can blame them for choosing the guy I married and that it didn't work out!

I can blame them for the Great Flood!

I can certainly blame them for my existance and that's all I need as a weapon and reason! Yeeha!

I knew I was missing something important in this life!

Seriously, I do appreciate the support I got here during this sticky time over the weekend. I know I would have folded if I didn't have the ex community to turn to.


I know when I was a kid, I blamed my parents big time for me being here and being the failure that I am.


I love the way you think Hattie...very clever and very much fun!!! xoxo 🙂


my older son blamed us for everything too, i moved from an aprtment to the island bought a beautiful home good school, but i messed up his childhood b/c i left bklyn,lmao when he was 18 and we droped him off at college i said, well ur 18 graduated h/s, had a job at 16 goin to college no drug or alchol abuse, well pats us on the back we did it all right, now ur on ur own, u drink do drugs drop out whatever its all on you,lmao and i mean it too. ohh he didnt like that now.lmao


Congratulations on 22 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Stay strong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm working on being strong... although, that's not my strong suit! Ha... Little humor there!


awesome job 22 days!!! I love this place too. i need to come on more though. 


congrats on 22 days you can do this.


Yay for you!  I'm right behind you hattie! Struggling a bit today which is why I'm here! We're gonna make it!


Hi Hattie, congratulations!  22 days is major, three weeks plus a day.  Most of the withdrawal should be done.  You are doing great, protect your great quit!


Everytime someone gets mad or dont go there way they feel someones to blame when really its just emotions coming out and just life in general.Just kick your feet up and down  and chalk it up to experience.They will learn in time. Congrats of 22 days. Thats something to be very proud of. Dont let stress make you smoke  just take some deep breaths and put some headphones on and listen to music and you will get over the stress.


Thanks folks. I tell you, I am so surprised that this has been going as well as it has been. Whew...

Dave... do keep coming to the site... especially when struggling. I know I do... I start feeling an urge... no matter how small and I come here. I look at the counter on my page and it gives me the strength to go another day.

Night all. Have a good evening.