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Share your quitting journey

2 years 02/09/12

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I have not posted a message in a while. Thursday February 9 will be 2 years that I quit smoking. I see people smoking and I see my Dad cough after going into respiratory failure after being taken off life support. He passed away the next day. Even though He had Copd and emphysema it was sudden. He passed away in November and I quit on his birthday February 9. I miss him so much. When you smoke you don't think about what WILL happen to you. I have lost so many people to cigarettes. It is hard for me to picture myself even smoking. If you smoke Please stop. It may be hard for the first 3 or 4 days. Keep a positive outlook and all the bad feelings you have will be gone in just a few days. You and all the people who love you will be so happy you stayed tough and quit. A death from smoking is horrible. I did it because I saw what it did to my Dad and I knew I had to quit and I put that in my mind for weeks before I did actually quit.   Good luck to all of you!