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Share your quitting journey

1st Year

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One year ago today, I elected to quit smoking. Although I attempted to quit so many times before, this one felt like a forever quit because I understood my addiction, found an NRT that worked, followed closely behind those that went before me and eventually asked for God’s help. 

Understanding my addiction was key and I have to thank Allen Carr for my enlightenment. I coupled this newly found insight with a “NicoDerm CQ” patch and an occasional “Nicorette” Lozenge.  This daily use of NRT’s continued for about 45 Days, until one day I realized I forgot to put a patch on.  That’s when I took off the training wheels and truly let my quit begin without the aid of NRT’s.

Shortly, thereafter, I began my journey through “No Man’s Land.” NML seemed to me like a “Boot Camp” for quitters.  At this stage, the metal of my quit was truly tested.  Doubt, frustration, and the general malaise of my quit was a never ending battle.  However, I began to eagerly welcome each challenge to my quit as another way to prove my resolve.  I finally embraced the realization that “My Quit” was a forever quit and that “My Journey” was going to last a lifetime. 

“The Ex” provided me with an outlet to share my journey and the resources to better understand what I was experiencing at each stage of my quit. The camaraderie and non-judgmental tough love, was non-stop and available 24/7.  I will forever bow down to those beautiful people who went before me and offered their support and guidance along the road.  I watched in awe as people selflessly lifted others up and helped them back on the road to freedom.  Thank You, Thank You, and Thank You again. 

None of my success would have been possible without God. I did not start this Journey with God, but along the way, I felt His presence and watched His Glory provide me with the guidance and strength to continue.  He now holds my hand throughout the day to save me from myself and that is no small task.  I look back on when this Journey started and where I am today and I just have to say, “WOW”

If this past year is any indication of what is to come, I just can’t wait  The Journey Continues.........

Stay Strong


About the Author
56 years old and enjoying my new life free from cigarettes and all its ills. Embracing the challenges and joys associated with "My Journey."