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Share your quitting journey

18 Days 11 hours and 45 minutes

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It has been 18 days 11 hours and 45 minutes since my last cigarette. The cravings  have all but subsided, the physical cravings at least. Mentally, I don't know. It is like the sneaky little bastard just won't leave. I don't feel like I need a cigarette, but that I want one.

I know that I don't really want one. I know that it is just smokers thoughts clouding my brain. It is just hard to fight an enemy you don't see or feel. They are just whispers.

"Don't you just miss that cigarette after dinner?"

"You know what would be good with this glass of wine?"

"Man you had such good times relaxing and smoking with your boyfriend."


         Did not.


                                     ALL lies.

I am missing NOTHING.

I am losing NOTHING.

I am gaining EVERYTHING.

This has become my mantra. People are jealous of me because I am able to beat the beast. I have tied it down and beat it into submission and all that is left are the whispers.

Soon those will stop and even if they don't they are easily ignored.

You can't just have one cigarette. Not one puff. You must stay strong. You can do this you can beat this. YOU.

I am lucky to have such a wide group of supportive people on my side this time around. It really does make a difference. I posted the time since my last cigarette on Facebook and I recieved 88 likes and 15 comments. One of my most popular posts. Remember, even if people aren't letting you know how proud they are of you quitting they are. It may be over clouded with jealousy and they may attempt to get you to smoke to justify their addiction, but we are strong. We are mighty. We can do this together. Keep up the great work folks.