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Share your quitting journey

15 more days and counting.

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Okay so I got a panic attack yesterday at the thought of stopping.  What a mind trip this stuff can cause. I went back and read again a lot of the information that you all have supplied me with.  I am not going to let it win.  Good news is that my husband is still saying he will join me.  I hope he can do it. He is not real good at following the program, but I can only hope.

I was encouraged this week by my daughter in law. She quit two months ago. So did my son her husband, but he has slipped back. But she is holding fast to her stopping.  She did it cold turkey.

She said she still feels the urge, but it is much easier to deal with each day that goes by.

If she can do it with a smoking mate, than so can I.

So, 15 days, 30 packs of cigs, and I will be done.  Although I believe that the 30 packs are a lot more than I will smoke.  I have been following my patterns and have already cut back  by 10 cigs a day.

You know, there is in my mind a growing thought that there is just no reason to think that I smoke because of stress. I have been smoking just because they are there.


It sounds like you have done some reading to get prepared for your quit. That is good, knowledge, preparation, support and your decision are vital to success. All of that is available to you here except of course your decision not to smoke. Only you can make that decision. You have done this before you can do it again. I can promise you that the anticipation of quitting is far worse than the actual quit. We will all be here to support you and help you help yourself in any way that we can. We are all in this together. I know you have done some reading already but I always like to toss in a few links that have helped me. You said that smoking again after 14 years was the biggest mistake you have ever made, well now you are making the best decision you have ever made. Congratulations!


1 800 QUIT NOW

Quit Smoking online coarse

Easy Way to Stop smoking - free PDF Book

Why Quit

SmokeFree Women

Quit Keeper


you can do this and it will be easier than you think. sometimes it helps to confuse your smoking habits, don't smoke when your reaction is to light one up. put it off a little while. you said a mouthful with that last statement.


Hi there, Bobby makes a great point that the anticipation of quitting is worse than the actual quitting!  Keep studying and KNOW that you can do this.  There are so many people here that have quit and I am sure I am not the only one who thinks "if I can do it, you can do it".  We have in common this addiction, and we have in common that we can overcome this addiction and live a life happily free of smoking.  You can do this!


I did what you are doing and looked for triggers and delayed smoking.  It was a relief to reach Quit Day and only have to decide to smoke or not.  For the week before I had been thinking about it constantly, delaying, etc. 


yaya, no kidding, I am actually looking forward to it.