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Share your quitting journey

1303 Days Later....Just swinging By

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It's been a long time since I have checked in and I am still going strong.  Best thing I ever did for myself. but also the hardest.  Keep strong and remember, there is no 1 cig.  One day at a time got me through and here I am, years later.  I never thought I could quit, I tried and failed many times.  I could only do it when I was ready and wanted it.  You need to want it more than the desire to continue.  I feel 1,000 times better and my life is so unencumbered!  I am free to do what I want all day every day and not a slave to any addictions!  It's nice to live on my terms.  It is worth the fight, you CAN and WILL quit.  I have no desires and will never ever smoke at all ever again and I am totally fine with that!

In my early days of quitting I came out here several times a day to keep myself honest and educate myself on the addiction.  I learned so much and never would have been able to stick with it had I not had this forum.  Use this as needed when you need it.  It is worth the time and energy invested so you can beat this!

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