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Share your quitting journey

12:35 hours in

4 10 327

Hey all,

I made it over the 12 hour hump. Thank you for your replies and support. My biggest trigger is isolation. I don't have a lot of family and friends, and I keep my vaping pretty quiet from any family I do have. When I quit drug use, it was an immediate impetus one day, and I had that same one last night. I know that if I go back to nicotine at all that will be the end of my quitting. I'm the type of person who has to go cold turkey, it's like, the pain of withdrawal and going through quitting is the reasons to quit. Then getting health back is the reason to keep going. Getting my life back. No more sneaking into the bathroom at work, or other forms of hiding and vaping. Just done allowing something to control my life. Not easy though!