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Share your quitting journey

11/13/15Also, I think I'll post

0 7 88

My quit date is set and tomorrow is the big day!  I hope I'm ready as I'm beginning to think perhaps I haven't prepared properly?  Haven't quite finished Allen Carrs book yet and for the oral fixation thing, I think straws may really help so I need to buy some today.  Also I think I'll hang some signs is inspiration around the house to keep my spirits up.      I've narrowed my major triggers down to arguments with my husband, sewing, (I always have one burning when I'm sewing and talking on the phone.   Not sure how I'll deal with them but all the suggestions I've read will hopefully, be useful.  Just got to change my mindset to, I do not smoke.  I am not a smoker.  No thanks, I don't smoke cigarettes!  I can't wait to say that!  I've literally been waiting decades to say that!  So wish me luck, I'm on my way


Good luck Andej.  That is exactly what i did to prepare myself to quit.  The self talk on how great it was going to be to be a non smoker.  I set my date 3 weeks out though.  I needed all that time to morn the loss i was about to endure so i could be done with that once i quit.  But i kept telling myself and others, i cannot wait to be a non smoker.  I thought at the time, yeah that is easy for you to say because you are still smoking.  But really, when the time had come, it was fairly easy.   I also told others of my quit date.  I set myself up to where if i didn't go thru with it, i had a verbal beating coming up.  But just put a lot of thought into why you are doing this and how great it is going to feel to be a non smoker and no longer envying the people who have quit or better yet, never chose to smoke.  And once you have quit, you will be the person that the smokers will envy!  Keep reading the post out here, they really do help!   


Welcome to our community!


Sounds like you have done some reading, thinking, planning, and understand about self-talk.  I think you are ready.  Remember, though, there is no luck involved in quitting smoking.  There is making the decision that you will not smoke NO MATTER WHAT!.


I am glad to see you are reading Allen Carr's book!  I found it VERY helpful, as have a lot of people who have been successful.


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there.


After you have completed the recommended reading, it will be time to make an informed choice of the quit aid, if any, you will use. If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. But – any method that you think will work well for you will be best for you.


The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand. If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different.  Might you move your sewing machine to a different space to make the setting different?  Or turn it around so you are facing a different direction?  Is there anyplace you didn't smoke in your home?  If so - do your phone calls there - and maybe get some sugarfree gum or mints or a cold bottle of water to sip.  You may find in the early, early days that it would be best to limit your phone time. Or - if you used to talk sitting in a particular place, change it up.  Talk from your bedroom - or the bathroom to reduce the association.   Just explain to everybody that it's a challenge.  After awhile, it will be OK again, I promise!


You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around your head alone.  Get busy!  Here is a link to a list of things to do instead of smoke if you need some fresh ideas:


The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.


Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!




I love your quit date 11/13/15-"odd day" It's the last time in this century that we have consecutive odd numbers in a date.  So, this will be easy for you to remember. Not that you could ever forget your quit date.  I think I'll always remember mine 5/27/15 as the day I became a non-smoker!!!!  Welcome and please do blog and let us know how tomorrow goes.   CP 169 DOF


Thank you for blogging.  It is good to know you are there and are committed enough to your quit to allow the Ex-community to share your journey to freedom.  We are all at various stages of the trip but together we form one long chain to guide, tug, and lead each other along the way.

Welcome.  Be excited for tomorrow.  If you are successful in honoring your commitment, it will be a day you will never forget, or regret.


Hello, I say you will be successfull in honoring your commitment. I hope you realize there is no luck involved! It all depends on your prep., willingness and commitment! Sounds like you are ready! I am excited for you! You can do this!

Terrie  129  DOF


WelcomeAndeJ.   You have come to the right place if you are making the decision to commit to quit smoking.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever.”  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web site pages along with reading, writing, studying, researching and blogging if you like.  


Just want to welcome you!