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10 days smoke free - TODAY, I found my emergency cigarrette!!!

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Hi! Days are better...

I am still not as productive as I would like to be...tell me it gets to where I can be normal again!!!

I have to tell you what happened to me today.....

I FOUND in my car my emergency cigarrette while on a red light.....u know, the one I kept for "when you don't have anymore, back from a party, long day after work, driving to ANYWHERE, the one that would hold u until you could go buy I pack..."

WELL, I looked at it and I was going to throw it out the window BUT I could not litter on a red light so I waited for the green.................FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Accelerated, broke it in half...looked at the "good" part of the half (the one with the filter)...thought about........ &^^#@#&%#&%$#.......but waited until I got on the highway..smelled it (nobody's perfect) and THREW IT OUT!!!

IT FELT GOOD - I had to tell you guys!!!

The patch is a blessing....I am working on my mental habits for now.....20 years of them, and those keep me busy during the days, non stop......I hope the physical cravings are not that bad when I get off the patch.

Have a good night and keep writing, give me any suggestions - reading this website keeps me going!!!

