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10 Weeks After My Last Juul Hit

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Yesterday I celebrated 10 weeks since I quit vaping, and I feel so much better about myself, my lungs, and my chances of loving a smoke/vape free life.

When I first joined this site, I had been a smoker for 20+ years and had Juuled for almost 3 years. I could not imagine really quitting but I knew I wanted to. I was afraid I would put on weight, be driven crazy with cravings, and fail....or just HATE not doing it.  I still occasionally miss it, but days go by now where I don’t think of it, and I have put on a whopping pound- that is it! (Granted, I have quit drinking since it was a trigger, quit coffee, and have taking up working out more consistently while maintaining my vegetarian/vegan diet.) 

Day two almost broke me....and since it really has gotten easier. I am not fooling myself: I know I will always be an addict when it comes to nicotine but the more time that passes, the more confident I become that I have “Become an Ex.” 
Thank you to all of you who supported and pushed me and inspired me to make this life changing decision, especially Jon Deering and Guilia. Without you two, I doubt I would be 10 weeks free. Peace and Best wishes this holiday season