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Share your quitting journey

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8 days as an ex smoker not too bad. I have my moments where I crave one and think oh just one then I'm like Hell no! This quit is too important. I know these will pass and get less with time. I feel so much better already no sore throat or clearing it all the time, I do feel I'm missing something though like a loss somehow. I completely cleaned my car out of all the smelly smoke it's so much more comfortable and smells great and so do I.oh and as I was cleaning my car I found a pack of cigarettes  I told them they have no power over me and broke them up one by one into the garbage.Im very happy 

About the Author
I battled with depression and anxiety for many years it became so unbearable I ended up being hospitalized. I promised myself I would overcome and not be taken down by that beast again. I am more than half the way up that steep hill of recovery and have fought hard to get where I am at today. I have no room in my life for unhealthy habits they just stunt my progress. I love my life and want to live the best I can. I realize smoking is not helping me do that even though I thought it was helping me through the depression and anxiety then it became a part of me. I want that part of me gone, I want to breathe, I want to go on hikes again,I want my teeth white again,I want to smell good. I want money in my pocket, I don't want to reach for a cigarette every time I drive or after I eat or when I'm stressed or when I wake up or before I go to bed or every half hour.I could go on and on but I'll spare you because I'm sure you know. So that's it thanks