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Multiple Addictions

Welcome to life smoke free. Its a bitch at first but gets better. I am 8.5 years sober and clean. Check in often here and other websites some are more busy than this. Stay positive. I went to my first  A.A. meeting a lil over 25 years ago to get the sobriety I got now. If you dont get it the first time keep trying.

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Hung out with my sponsor all day...she is dealing with grief issues...I am sad for her,...,but she actually encouraged me to smoke today.


N.o.!  I need stronger support.


I must be sober and nicotine free!

God help me!


Joani      write to Me please.


"Contempt prior to investigation, is the biggest "sin" of all."     S Herbert

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This is the perfect forum.. This is my first full month without a cig.. And I have been going thru something very profound.. Crying, Violent outburst just wanting to be alone... My sister whom I have been extreemly mean to and asked her to leave my home and take her "bratty" kids with her wouldn't leave... she researched and discovered I was going thru a "mourning" stage or depression from the addiction..  I was addited to meth for two years and one day dicided it was enough, layed in bed for a week and got over it.. no problems.... But this, This is the worst addiction there is. Why don't they have rehab for nicotien but they do for other drugs?  I am on this emotonal rollar coaster and want off!!


right on,   i hope this program works for me, i amalso a member of aa etc jadesrfun

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Hey, this looks like this is the group I need to be in. I'm on my 2nd day of not smoking. When I do smoke It seems I feel so low that I return to my bad habits and addictions real quick. Seems if I do one stupid addiction I do the other. As I'm getting older (52) I'm realizing the fact that I'm commiting slow suicide everyday I do either or both.

I look forward to reading comments and posting comments that can help myself and others with these extreme addictions.

I've found that opening up to others and exercise are the best actions I can take to help me quit. I've tried quitting many times using those actions and it works for a while until something in life triggers me to start again. It's usually something like feeling others are doing me wrong, I've created a life which will not get better, or others are ok with such addictions so why not. All it seems to take is one bad day and back I go. Any ideas on stopping these stupid ideas and doings from happening?

I hope I'm not being too negative to start with, really I want to let out the truth and maybe that will help me and others get positive and stay that way to stop smoking for good, 1 day at a time.


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Hey all.  I'm new to this site and to this community.  I thought it would be nice to seek out others who've struggled with addiction beyond cigarettes.

A little about me:  I'm a twenty five year old punk kid from Portland.  I've been off heroin and freebase cocaine since May 25, 2008 and I quite drinking on January 5, 2009.  I picked up smoking cigarettes when I gave up smoking freebase and heroin (whattttta suprise.)  I'm not a member of AA or NA (and while I'm open minded to different methods of recovery I'm not interested in becoming a member of that community as a whole, individuals are fine by me, however.)  I'm also *thiiiiis* close to getting my CDAC certification (Certified Drug and Alcohol Counseling) and have an active interest in helping myself and helping others deal with their addiction issues (which is a hard thing, since one can only do it for themselves.)


I want desperately to quit smoking but am having an extreme amount of anxiety and feelings of defeat already in just trying to cut down.    I feel like a total hypocrite saying that I'm clean and sober while being hopelessly addicted to cigarettes.  I feel sometimes like cigarettes were a replacement for my other addictions and so in away, giving up smoking will be letting go of my past abuses.  Which should be a relief - but I'm totally full of fear. 

Anyway - I'm rambling.  That's me in the Reader's Digest version.  Hope to get to know you all and hope we can all help each other out.  God knows I'll need it.

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Hi, I'm Kelly, alcoholic and addict. I've been clean and sober for 2 years now. I really want to quit smoking. My best AA friend quit 4 months ago, I'm proud of her. I hear wheezing in my chest and I'm tired of shortness of breath. I just need the support I have found in AA to kick this thing permanently, one day at a time.

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This is the perfect group for me! I just quit my three vices 2 days ago, cigarettes, marijuana, and beer. I'm 40yrs old. Its very hard to stop thinking about smoking cigarettes more than anything else. I hope that I can be as strong as some of you great people. I look forward to the day my addictions are a mere bad memory.

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Hello everyone my name is Dedra and I have been clean and sober since December 31st 2005. I have been struggling with ciggarettes now since March 1st. I quit last year on June 23rd and like a idiot picked back up on the first stopped on the 16th for 12 days and have been smoking since. But, this nightmare is going to come to an end I have four ciggaretes left and THATS IT!!!! I am ready to do this and this time for keeps. One day at a time, sometimes it will be 1 minute at a time. Please keep me in your thoughts and will be checking in DAILY.Thanks for being here for me.LadyD4u

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Gave up pot and cigarettes and I really really really miss the weed. I only gave up the weed a week ago. 46 days no cigs and now I have a completely different addiction and one I refuse to give up because it is actually GOOD for me.....Yup  it is this site. I thank god I found it or I could not have made it this far.

You are all wonderful nonjudgemental people and SAVIORS!!!!

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HI everyone!  I haven't quit yet but I have a quit date and am getting ready!  I did quit for 3 months but like the good little addict I am I let my guard down and started smoking again.  My husband and I have 3.5 years in recovery which I am totally grateful for!  For me, giving up cigarettes is harder! It was tough giving up the alcohol (hell sometimes) but after a relapse I knew I had to get back to AA and start all over! 

I felt great when I quit smoking for those 3 months.  I was proud of myself, I could breath better, my family was happy and those little white demon sticks weren't controlling my every waking moment! I was free of them and I want that feeling back desparately! If I continue to smoke I will be dragging around an oxygen tank sooner then later!  I have mild/moderate emphysema!  I

I am going to stay close to this site for support.  If there is anything I can do for anyone out there, just let me know!  We are in this together!!!



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