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Connect with others living with health conditions


Mental Health Support

Linda, first of all... Congratulations! You're doing great for yourself and I hope that the road is smooth from here on out with only minor bumps along the way. I'm hoping that after a while we'll be able to walk past people smoking and turn around the 'if only I could' attitude into a 'if only I could help them like so many had helped me'. Oh, and lest I forget.... I wanted to tell you... 'mentally challenged', though very PC isn't as fun as how I like to consider phrasing it... try 'social underdogs'... everyone loves an underdog and it makes people smile! (Admit it... you just smiled... at least a little bit) 😃
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200 Respuestas

My brother, my best friend, her son and I are all bipolar. We say we're in the Bipolar Bears Club 😉
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Hello fellow bipolar bears. I am wondering: Who has or had rampant compulsive behavior, and how does one overcome that? It is my biggest challenge and I am working with a therapist on this. Any advice would be really helpful.

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Hi BiPOLERS, My name is Kathleen and I have the mental illness. I've had been trated for it but still suffer simpotoms from it. My quit date is Jan 17th of this year and I'm engaged to get married in the near furture. His name is Danny and he is a sweetheart I love him very much and we're planning on quitting together. We have both tried several times but unsuccessful so far hopefully this will work this time. He suffers from servier deprsson but has been alright in the last three years we been togeher.My biggest thing is that I cannot get a good nights sleep even when the dr gives me medican for it.

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I feel your pain. I am usually more down than up. The meds take away all the "highs" of bipolar with nothing to replace them. I used to enjoy a good mania. I got a lot accomplished. Now, it is just blaa..

  Hobbies are good things to have. They keep you busy and your hands occupied so you don't think so much. I am learning to knit. I watched videos on you tube and learned how. So, I just try to focus on the pattern and it takes my mind off of things.

  Hang in there..

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Hi there I'm Kathleen and you responded yesterday to me thank you very much for wanting to be a friend to me.
  Kathleen Tinder
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Hi Michael Patterson, I'm responding to your email yesterday. I just wanted to let you know thank you for wanting to be a friend to me.
  Kathleen Tinder
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Day 1 for me. I am excited. I do so good till my mood changes and then willpower just leaves me. I am more focused this time and i have alot more tools to use with this Quitting time. I am doing alot more now to become a better and healthier me. I am BiPolar 1 and been diagnosed since 2000. I have learned so much more since then and I am ready to make smoking history. My husbands Mom died from lung cancer. She smoked everyday all day. He just hates everytime I put a cigarette in my mouth. i can't let my moods ruin my goals in life... We all just need to be strong!!!
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i will be quitting february 17th i will need all the support i can get and i am bi polar and a recovering alcoholic i have almost 7 years sober if i dont drink until january 29th
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Hi Terri, wanting to welcome you to a place where you'll find all the support you will need to quit smoking hang out with the winners and then it'll happen before you know it you;ll have several days if not weeks behind your belt. I just quit on the 18 was suppose to on the 17 but fell off the wagon and jumped right back on and now have seventeen hours and thirty something minutes if you want to become my friend I'll accept you.
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