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I'm Sick of Me


I am at a huge loss.  My life has become a void.  I sit here day after day, miserable, stuffing my face, hating myself and my life, and not doing a damn thing about it.  Welcome to my mind, it is a veritable bottomless pit of loathing.  I live the definition of insanity, I do the same things over and over and expect to get different results.  I don't know why. I can see that if I don't change what I do nothing will be any different but I just can't seem to bring myself to take a step in any different direction.  I don't even look in a different direction. I'm pretty sure I know what's there and I don't want to face it.  It's change.  It's doing something else.  It's taking a risk. It's having to learn a new way.  It's getting off the couch.  I've been here so long it's all I know.  I live in one room of the house.  My living room.  I sit my ass on the couch with the computer on my lap all day and do absolutely nothing.  I eat non-stop.  I sleep.  It is my little cell and my living hell.  

It started in May of 2014.  One morning my left kneecap decided it was going to move due west without informing me.  I was at one end of the house in the bathroom at the time and just about to get in the shower when it decided make its' move.  It would not go back in, I tried more than once.  I had to scootch myself out of the bathroom and through the bedroom to be able to open the bedroom door because my oldest son who was home at the time had not responded to my screams for help.  He's a very heavy sleeper and my voice was starting to give out.  After a rough ambulance ride, being in the worst pain ALMOST of my entire life, that honor remains with my stomach surgery, and then almost stopped breathing during the times they were trying to get it back in, the current life began. The orthopedic doctor I saw thought it was healing slowly but after about 6 months he suggested an MRI. Even with our health insurance I knew it was going to cost about $750.  That was $750 I did not have.  We live paycheck to paycheck like most people. After physical therapy and wearing a brace I kept going back to the ortho every few months but it just wasn't making any further progress so I finally had to give in and have the MRI done and just pay for it a little at a time.  It was 16 months and I was up 20 pounds since I had dislocated it and guess what? I needed surgery.  I was sent to the surgeon who said I needed a tendon or ligament from a donor (I don't remember which), had several meniscus tears he needed to fix, and he had to do something to the other side to keep my kneecap in its' correct track. He said once it was healed it wouldn't be the knee of a 20 year old but then I;m not 20 so I should be able to go back to doing what I love.  Having a horse, riding, being outside, the nature buff, the lady who was on her feet most of the day, the strong tote-that-bale cowgirl, the sunny, outgoing lady at church who volunteered for as much as possible, who had friends, who was for the first time in her life skinny and who was very HAPPY.  So the fastest way back to that life the better, right?  Wrong!  I did everything the surgeon told me.  Did wonderful at PT after surgery, wore the compression stockings, wore the metal cage brace for months, wore the soft adjustable brace, rode my exercise bike, walked, went up and down steps, but the knee still hurt, or went numb or both at the same time.  I fell down a lot, luckily managing to save the knee further injury by making sure I landed on anything but it!   The surgeon said I wasn't doing enough to build up the strength, I think I waited too long to get the MRI and damaged it so badly that even a great repair couldn't bring it back.  The life I had enjoyed was over.  I had become so used to being unable to go anywhere and do anything that it had become my normal.  I couldn't go anywhere, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't help anyone.  All I could do was sit in my living room, on the computer, watch tv, eat, do physical therapy exercises, and try to get through each day.  My husband and kids had to take care of everything.  That meant that food was bought and prepared, laundry and dishes were maintained and animals fed.  Nothing else in my house got done.  It hasn't been cleaned in years. 

I wanted my life back!!!  I finally started to get it back at the beginning of last summer.  My weight had come down to only being 10 pounds above where it was, which was actually too light for my size anyway. I decided I could start back into horses and ducks, I could start going outside some and maybe start going back to church.  I knew I had to do one thing above all though.  I had to quit smoking. I had made a promise to my husband on the evening of my husband's mother's death that I would quit.  She passed away in May of 2015 as I read her 'White Fang' by  Jack London, her favorite author.  It wasn't her favorite book of his but it was always a good read so I chose it that evening.  She was in hospice, suffocating to her death with COPD.  She was in hospice for 9 days before she died so we took turns being there.  As awful as it was watching her die it took over 2 years for me to finally say OK, I am going to actually quit smoking, hopefully BEFORE I end up with COPD or cancer.  So I got a prescription for Chantix, set a date, found this site, and late in the evening on October 28, 2017 had my last cigarette.  Then my life crashed.

I have spent 99 days on nothing but quitting smoking.  I have not taken care of my horse or my ducks in that time.  I take care of the cats and cook dinners most nights.  I try to clean up and do laundry but since the kids don't work I make them earn their keep by doing dishes and laundry and taking care of the animals.  I go grocery shopping and once a week I take my youngest son to college for one class.  His brother usually picks him up.  He'll get his license soon so I won't even have to go do that.  I have replaced nicotine with food and have put on 20 pounds.  I can't leave my house because I literally have only one pair of pants that fit.  I refuse to buy bigger clothes.  I just did that last summer to accommodate the 10 pounds put on after knee surgery.  I can't stand myself.  I feel fat, horrible, lazy, and ugly.  And completely insane.  Nothing feels right anymore.  Part of my problem is that I just keep seeing who I WAS and I want that person back!  Unfortunately time seems to run forward only in this dimension so I can't GO back to who I was.  I have to become someone new going forward.  I don't have the strength to become someone new.  I have given up caring at this point.  If I don't care I don't have to cope.  It's what has gotten me through much of my life but it has never affected me this badly and it has not worked in this scenario, unless I don't care that I'm fat, lazy, and depressed ALL the time.  I'm lonely but don't want to be around people or talk to people.  It means I'd have to put on the happy face and voice and I'm not a good actor.  I wear my heart on my sleeve as this narrative proves so acting is a waste of time.  I don't know this person and I don't know how to work this person and there was  no manual included.  And what I really can't figure out is why quitting smoking changed me this much?  What the hell is up with that? Did my whole self image revolve around smoking? It sort of did.  It kept me getting up every 30 minutes to go out and smoke so I was on my feet more.  I didn't stuff my face because I had the hand-to-mouth of smoking. I spent more time with my husband because he pretty much stays in the garage on weeknights.  He comes home from work, changes, goes out to set up his work computer, watches tv or a movie and does work from home and/or putters on small projects.  I used to go out and talk to him while I smoked.  Now I only go out if I need a Diet Mt. Dew or a gallon of milk brought in.  We honestly haven't had a conversation in at least 99 days.  So I won't suffocate to death.  I'll just be miserable for all the minutes I may have extended on my life!  Yay.  So this is where I am at day 100.  Absolutely insane, hating me, hating my life and being lost.  I want to smoke, badly.  It sneaks up here and there but it's usually just a passing thought of 'I don't do that anymore'.  Yesterday as I was writing this I really, truly wanted to smoke.  Several times I thought "God I want a cigarette so bad!"  I told the boys that too.  They gave me hugs and support cuz mamma didn't raise unloving brats, just brats.  Nah, they really are loving boys who actually initiate hugs!  I have all the support so why do I feel so alone? Because I can't figure out who I am and I'm sick of being this me.

It is now day 100 since I quit.  I thought I'd be happy, excited and ready to celebrate. This me could care less.

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16 Respuestas

First off Congrats on 100 days I do not see this blog as a pity party, but I want to know if I can copy and paste it, make a few life adjustments and post it on my blog in 2 days? Like you as my 100 days nears I am just not feeling it. Kinda lost and trying to figure out the new me. I am happy that I no longer smoke, but that was a fleeting thought, I have a lot of the why did I quit and maybe I should just go back to smoking moments the last few days.  No motivation to do the things I thought I would be doing or to do things now that I should be doing. I have been sick with a cold the last 3-4 weeks-it has been so long I can't remember when it started. Then I remember the other blogs about no mans land. yeah I think we are  deep into it and people say we will pull out, but I just can't see it at the moment. I did a search for NML and I am getting lost in the readings that basically describe what we are going maybe we will find out way out sooner vs later.

Know that you are not alone, ehh


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I am so sorry your so down on yourself. I know one thing for sure.......... YOU are worth whatever it takes to get you out of this long lived slump. Its not healthy for you or your family members. You said it yourself, " doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results".... He's a new quote to consider dear Julie.... it was a wonderful help for me and I use it to this day:

" We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change." I first learned this quote when I got into some extreme weight lifting years ago. While I don't exercise to that point anymore, mostly because I can't due to the MS....I do use that quote for every other aspect of my life and clung to it early on in my quit. 

Theres no magic cure hon. I'm glad you felt you can share because I want to encourage you to just move. Perhaps baby steps and journal it, everyday...even if its only 15 minutes...its 15 minutes more than the day before. 

Are you loading up on High carbohydrates food~ and or sweets? Change that as well. There are things you can do, small things at a time, to help you start feeling better. Perhaps you could as your son and husband to help you more by not helping you so much. They are enabling you and may not even realize it.

Progress is made my putting one foot in front of the other and its your foot that has to move first. I will encourage you from this end as much as you need. You have SO much to offer others Julie. You have much tenderness and kindness I have read in your blogs that help any people. Let us help you now. 

100 days is an AWESOME achievement! I, so proud of you! Now you need to start feeling proud of yourself. I'm betting on YOU and Im praying for you.

Love Missy

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First I want to say congratulations on being able to come here and share your soul. What you just did will help you more than any words that I can say.  Yeah sometimes it seems that life really sucks and we don't see the light of day BUT with just a little bit of Faith you will and can make it. When life seems the worse do not loose sight of the glimmer to where who and what you want to be.  It takes time.  You are just at the beginning do not give up.  Please do not loose the time you have quit.  What you are writing is part of the process of seeing where you are.  Smoking clouds us.  You have a clearer vision now to work on.  Stay Close you are very important to us.  Thanks for being here and being a support.  We will do whatever we can to help. Come Ride the Train today and Celebrate your 100 days. What you have done is monumental not only the 100 days.  I applaud you. 

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Just hold on, Hang tough, Stay close, never give up never give in.  It is not easy but it is doable. Keep believing.  You are in the right place, much support here. 

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Oh my minihorses, I didn't find your blog until today.  I'm hoping that now that you have recognized how you are feeling that you will gather your strength and begin to move forward again.  It sounds like depression to me.  You are not crazy or insane.  I think you need to start doing small things to get your energy back.  By the way, many congrats on 100 days.  I think you are an incredible person, but it's time to accept the fact that you have changed with this quit.  For some reason I felt the same way as I neared 100 days too.  I wasn't proud of myself either.  I think you need to reward yourself each day with something small.  Something that's just for you, not food tho.  Time to read, or bubble bath, do your nails.  It sounds to me like you are grieving for your cigarettes.  Someone once told me that things start to get better at 117 days.  It's definately no man's land.  I would be seeking my Dr.'s advice too for some anti-depressants.

My goodness, you have a horse?  That's right, I remember the pic you posted.  Why not make 15 minutes of talking time with your hubby a day.  He's zoned out in his own world, and you need his love and support too.  Sounds like your boys are caring and loving too.  I am so very sorry what happened to your knee and the incredible pain you are in.

I am praying for better days for you.  Start babystepping your way back to being the vivacious person that you can be.

Look at it as a challenge.

Sending Love.


p.s. don't give up on yourself, ok?

Probably the scariest part of quitting for me was exposure of my vulnerability which I always thought of as a luxury others can afford but not me. I was very much where you are now when I turned 100 days. I had just been laid off in a Year of layoffs (2010) and had just been diagnosed with COPD.

I'm sorry you find 100 Days stressful, Julie, but you are coming into your better higher truer authentic Self! And one thing I realized at this place in my Quit Journey is that

I decide who I am!

and I can reset that definition every single minute of every single day! So I didn't like this action or that attitude - I can change them - now - and now- and now! The only opinion that counts as to who I should and could and would be is Myself!

So I challenge you, Julie, to be-come the best Julie you can imagine in this very moment! And if you don't get it quite right in a few moments  - Reset!

Decision is the Ultimate Power

Addiction Freedom gives you the possibility of Decision!

Celebrate 100 Days of Freedom!


It takes some time to re-discover the new you.  I really didn't feel like myself in the beginning of my quit because all that I knew was the old me who was killing herself slowly by smoking. But slowly and surely, I got used to the new me - the one who didn't reek of cigarette smoke, the one who chose to do things rather than sit around my myself to smoke, the one who learned to "feel" rather than mask my feelings with nicotine.  I think that you will find that you "like" the new you better - give her a chance!  In the meantime, try to get out of that living room for just a bit each day.  Try to find something that you are able to do and that you enjoy.  Make an effort to make small changes in your life - no one can do it for you. 

Congratulations on 100 days!

I read. I tried to comprehend.

So just what are the horses and ducks doing?

"Procrastination is time's adversary and, I'm a master."

I feel badly when people can only focus on smoking or not smoking.

Decide on a plan Of Change To Make New

Let Go Of Self Criticism, Get Up And Do.


Get up!  Baby steps!!   Get up and stand...Walk in place.   Get up!  Comon" we will help you.   A baby step is all thats required. Up! Up! Get up!

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