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How does stigma surrounding COPD affect research and care?

To coincide with COPD Awareness Month, we look at a study that identifies a gap in previous COPD research, and examine to what extent stigma surrounding this smoking-related respiratory disease influences the availability of treatment and care for the condition.

"Unfortunately, I believe that a tendency to blame the patient has contributed to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) getting less attention than other common chronic diseases," Dr. Andrea Gershon told us.

"There was a belief that, because people with COPD smoked, they were deserving of their fate and not deserving of resources put towards their disease," she continued. "I think this is wrong on many levels. Luckily, things are changing."

Dr. Gershon, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, was responding to a question related to her latest study, which investigates the efficacy of different treatments for older adults with COPD. However, her point on stigma is an interesting one, as it offers an example of how popular stigmas may directly affect both research and care.

diagram of human lungs

The COPD Foundation say that "the dreaded question" for COPD patients is: "Did you smoke?"

Dr. Gershon's study - published in JAMA - also makes the point that, despite COPD being the third leading cause of death in the US, there is comparatively little available evidence on how to treat COPD patients - particularly elderly patients and those who have other similar diseases, such as asthma.

But how does stigma surrounding COPD begin? The COPD Foundation explain that "the dreaded question" for COPD patients is: "Did you smoke?"

"So much is insinuated in three simple words, and so many in our community have to withstand the stigma associated with the disease," the foundation writes. "All too often, people with COPD are afraid to reach out for help, let alone raise awareness for the disease, because they believe in the end they will be shamed and blamed for smoking."

In truth, smoking does cause the majority of COPD cases, but the COPD Foundation are keen to point out that 25% of COPD patients have never smoked. Respiratory diseases, the foundation reminds, are also caused by environmental, occupational and genetic factors.

Because smoking is considered to be the single most effective preventive intervention for COPD, persuading patients to quit smoking is a key area of concern for health care providers.

However, many COPD patients report feeling not only a sense of blame from others, but they also blame themselves and feel guilty and shameful over their symptoms. This self-blame may begin with an acknowledgment that the patient's smoking history may have caused their COPD, but it may become more severe if the patient is unsuccessful at giving up smoking.

'Guilty, discredited and judged' by society

In a 2011 study on self-blame and stigmatization among COPD patients, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Caring Studies, its authors consider that: "In Western societies, there is now an increasing awareness of personal responsibility for promoting one's health. This awareness includes possible messages of guilt, and vulnerable individuals' well-being can potentially be threatened if they feel discredited because of their illness."

diagram of smoking man and internal organs

To avoid feeling judged, COPD patients may gravitate toward groups where this judgment will not be present, such as by socializing with smokers.

The authors interviewed a series of COPD patients, who - following diagnosis - reported no longer feeling like they were members of "the world of the healthy" and felt discredited and judged by society, who they say deemed their health problems to be self-inflicted.

When health care professionals most strongly emphasized the smoking habits of the patients during consultations, the patients in this study interpreted the approach as a lack of empathy. Many of the participants were also angered by public health campaigns depicting COPD patients as "tobacco addicts."

"Their intention is not to improve conditions for people with COPD," claimed one interviewee, who reported feeling exploited by such campaigns. "The most important thing is to campaign for public smoking cessation."

One consequence of the pressure some COPD patients say they experience from society is a tendency to try and disguise their illness.

"Persons suffering from COPD are experts in hiding what we suffer from," said one participant. "I hide my problems when communicating with my business associates. I use these techniques all the time. Always make them start going upstairs first, never walk together [...]"

This instinct to conceal COPD symptoms for fear of being judged also leads to patients avoiding seeking medical attention, the study reports - particularly if the affected patients were current smokers. As one study participant explained:


"I think a lot of the COPDs who still smoke do harbor certain emotions that make it impossible to relax. They blame themselves and get angry with anyone who tries to influence their smoking. It gets on their nerves, because they know smoking is wrong. They kind of isolate themselves due to the feeling of being losers, because they think of themselves as having failed."

The study authors noticed a pattern of people with COPD prioritizing their dignity over their health, with patients withdrawing "into a kind of exile in everyday life."

They also suggest that, because of a feeling of being perceived as "morally weak," COPD patients may gravitate naturally to support from groups where this judgement will not be present, such as by socializing with smokers. However, in doing so, the COPD patients will be re-exposing themselves to what may have been the driving factor behind their condition - smoking.

The researchers map a potential feedback loop between general practitioners (GPs) and COPD patients regarding the issue of continued smoking.

They suggest that many GPs find smoking cessation support to be time-consuming and ineffective, underestimating "the chronic nature of tobacco addiction and the complexity involved in smoking cessation." This lack of understanding may be interpreted by the patient as social moralizing, which can lead to tension between health worker and patient, and resistance to cessation.

Health care providers may presume patients to be fully accepting of their condition, while the patient instead feels stigmatized. The study makes the case that health care professionals need to be able to examine their own values and support patients who may feel stigmatized.

New study identifies gap in research for COPD-asthma patients

Although Dr. Gershon - quoted in the opening of this feature - feels that COPD stigma has impacted negatively on research, there have been several good-quality COPD studies published recently.

In her own study - published in JAMA - Dr. Gershon's team examined administrative health records for 2,129 older adults who were only taking long-acting beta agonists for COPD and compared them with the records for 5,594 adults taking these drugs in conjunction with corticosteroids.

The researchers found that seniors taking both long-acting beta agonists and corticosteroids had 8% fewer deaths and hospitalizations during the period of study than those who were taking long-acting beta agonists alone. The team describes the 8% disparity as "modest but significant."

However, among patients who had both COPD and asthma, those taking the two medications had a 16% lower risk of hospitalization and death, compared with patients who only took long-acting beta agonists. More than a quarter of the study participants had both asthma and COPD.

Dr. Gershon says that, previously, doctors have not "really known how to treat these patients," as studies have generally excluded COPD patients who also have asthma. She told Medical News Today:

"I believe this was because the effectiveness of interventions in people with COPD would be known with more certainty, for instance, without having to wonder if an intervention was effective because it was treating another disease, like asthma, that was also present. While this approach has its merits, it means that many patients with both COPD and asthma were excluded. As a result, there is little evidence on which to base our treatment recommendations for these patients."

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8 Respuestas

I switched doctors because of my quit smoking conversation with the one I had  been seeing for years.  I had never before tried to quit smoking, so he had no reason to doubt my conviction - but his advice?  "Oh, just throw a patch on, get some carrot and celery sticks, and do it."  HUH? 

I have never been back to him.  At that point I don't think I had COPD, but he was less than willing to take my request for a conversation about quiting aids seriously, or maybe he did think it was a waste of his time.

I was lucky to find another doctor who DID take me seriously, prescribed Chantix, and said to me, "There are now more people in the U.S. who have quit smoking than are still smoking.  Do you really think they are all better than you?"  That was my gauntlet and it helped solidify my commitment!  When I went back to him and reported that I had quit for over three months - he grabbed my hand and literally danced me up and down the halls of the practice, exclaiming to everyone we saw that I was a superstar - I had quit smoking!!!  What a doll!!!!

We need more like him!


0 Kudos

This is a really informative article and I would be willing to bet that most people with COPD have experienced the feeling that they are being judged and also the guilt associated with judging ourselves.  I so wish I had paid attention years ago when I believe this began.  My youngest, who turned 25 yesterday, was in elementary school the first time I experienced such severe shortness of breath that I alarmed myself and a lot of others.  I said it was "allergies"...yeah to SMOKING!  Thanks for posting this.  I think a lot of research is put on the back burner when it is associated with smokers.

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P.S.   I also remember at work that when you were in a group of people and someone mentioned a faculty/staff member had suffered a stroke, or a heart attack or had been disagnosed with lung cancer, the first question out of someone's mouth was ALWAYS, "did they smoke?"  The inference WAS that if they did, they deserved whatever they got.  It always made me so mad - and still does! 

The stigma is alive and well and I am sure it pertains to fundiing and research, too.


0 Kudos

Thank you for this wonderful blog Thomas, I felt scared, guilty and embarrassed when I found out that I have COPD . 


0 Kudos

Yes I know this applies to Lung cancers too! Unconscionable. 😞
0 Kudos

This was a very helpful article.  My partner has COPD and he experiences all the above.  He's very self conscious about his breathing and goes to great lengths to avoid people seeing him struggle while walking or doing anything.  He has in fact chosen his pride over being a part of the social world.  And I do worry that the more he slows down the more this will increase the COPD.  It is worrisome for me.

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virgomama‌ Having COPD is a really difficult thing...those of us WITH it, feel a sense of shame, we know that most people feel judgmental and sort of like we deserve it.  I am here to tell you that NO ONE deserves this shortness of breath and fatigue and depression, no one deserves to be judged for having become addicted to smoking.  I can tell you that no one judges us more harshly than we judge ourselves.  I was so angry with myself as this disease took hold of me that I really put off pushing to at least slow it down. The BEST things that your partner can do are to exercise regularly...I KNOW how hard it is, I use a pool when the weather permits and a stationary bike when it doesn't.  I can't work out in an indoor pool because the chlorine makes it impossible for me to breathe...I also cannot go for long walks which I used to do regularly.  I can't breathe well enough to do that and I certainly cannot go up inclines...even fairly gradual ones make it so hard to breathe.  Fatigue is terrible...the least bit of exertion leaves me more exhausted than I can possibly explain...BUT, I work out regularly, I eat  a balanced diet, much more balanced than I USED to, and I am on oxygen at night which I resisted as much as I could.  I have this site to interact with people and I work a part time job as a cashier in my son and daughter in law's vegetarian cafe and market.  It gives me an opportunity to be around people who are taking care of themselves and who really care about what they put into their bodies.  He NEEDS to take care of himself, he MAY need an antidepressant which might help lift his mood.  If he stays isolated and does not pay attention to his diet or his exercise, there is a chance that the COPD will progress faster.  Avoiding all inhaled irritants helps...we cannot reverse the damage but we sure can slow it down.


0 Kudos

Thanks for your input, Ellen. It really was helpful. We have a little

hobby farm which he dearly loves to putter around and keep maintained.

Which I am grateful for. So he does get daily exercise. Diet???? He's a

stubborn stubborn man and hotdogs are his favorite thing to eat. So

that's that. Our household is a bit nontraditional in that I cook what I

like and he cooks what he likes, because he is so stubborn (so am I I

suppose). I hadn't thought of the depression side of this issue. I will

mention this to him. We put an air purifier in the room he spends most of

his time in. Don't know if that really helped a lot but can't hurt. I

will pass this info to him. Thanks again for your suggestion and support


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