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Connect with others living with health conditions

How BecomeanEX changed my COPD Life!

When I came here it was day 1 of my COPD diagnosis and I wasted no time in relearning how to LIVE as an EXer! I listened, learned, practiced, and became an EX!


Simultaneously, I had to come to terms with having a chronic, progressive, incurable smoking-related illness. I knew that the first step in quitting smoking is to DECIDE that I would LIVE smoke-free. AND I knew that the first step in Living with COPD was to DECIDE how I will Live the rest of the LIFE that my Creator gives me!


BecomeanEXers told me that I can be positive, affirming and instead of focusing on what I'm giving up (which in the case of smoking is absolutely nothing of importance), I should keep my FOCUS on what I am gaining - FREEDOM! Well, what was I giving up the day I was diagnosed, really? I was giving up the illusion of health! The illness had been there for Heaven only knows how long! The only thing that had changed is my awareness! Is there anything to "gain" in that? YES! Awareness gave me CHOICES! Before I was diagnosed I didn't even know I had choices to make! That day I knew!


BecomeanEXers told me that the quitting Experience is a journey of one day at a time - not an event! Since COPD is incurable, it definitely is a lifetime journey - taken one day at a time! Daily resolve to FOCUS on the Positive with DETERMINATION (Tommy are you reading this?) has made my journey along the road of COPD an entire different EXperience from some others whom I have met with this disease! I have decided to take the positive steps that are available to me as a COPDer - including but not limited to changing daily routine, changing small habits, changing environment, seeking, accepting and offering support, re-affirming the best I have to the EFFORT, celebrating my Victories, giving myself permission to be human, vulnerable yet willful and self-directed, stepping outside of myself when thoughts are full of negativity, cherishing my family and remembering to Thank my Wife for her support!


I, of course, cannot be grateful for having COPD like I'm grateful for not smoking, but I can and am grateful for the AWARENESS - the knowing what I have and what I can do about it! 


If you are a Smoker, TODAY is a Great Day to be Smoke FREE!

If you are an EXer, Protect your Quit as if your LIFE depends on it...

because IT DOES!

If you are a COPDer, be Affirming, do your BEST to see the positive things that you can do for yourself and then,


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7 Respuestas

AMEN Thomas you are so right our lives do depend on quitting smoking. Thank you for another fantastic blog. 

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Your COPD posts always hit home......thanks

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I am reading this! You know, that I am honored to have offered something that has contributed to your success! The wisdom that you have shared with others here is the embodiment of what I call "Collateral Kindness"! Helping yourself by helping others! What a way to quit! What a way to live!

Perhaps it is time to repost "Focus and Determination"!

Thank you for all you do here! And thank you for never forgeting what is like to start this journey!


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Thank you, Thomas, being reminded of the value of becoming an EX and staying that way is ALWAYS appreciated.  I look back now and realize how LONG I have been short of breath and how LONG I convinced myself that it was "allergies" sad.

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Stopped it in it's tracks you did by making changes and moving forward!

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Thank you Thomas! This describes EXactly what this site has meant to me.

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Thank you Thomas and Tommy.

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