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Connect with others living with health conditions


Help suggestions

 I am especially in need of helping me quit smoking. Bills and physical health.  I had a kidney removed January 31 of this year and I already have had cardiac failure, but still OK I have a lot of a fib, and diabetes, and high blood pressure to the point of being in a hypertension crisis, but ended up being OK. This was just about a week ago.  Now that is something to feel stupid about I won’t call myself stupid due to trying to be positive, and I am desperate to get off the nicotine monster, but I just haven’t been able to do it yet. It is very unhealthy for me and fortunately my friends and family are incredibly encouraging and accepting and loving me still.  I’ve gone through quite a bit of depression getting very close to suicidal thoughts, but I would never do that but I don’t like to be that close to feeling the pain.  Mentally a wreck.

However, the great news is that I feel hopeful. That I am going to in a matter of days I am going to get off the nicotine, no substitutes whatsoever.  I did this last week and it didn’t work but I am hopeful that it is going to stick and then I’m going to be able to be smoke-free very soon.  The advantages are so immense and critical for you and I and other smokers, who are trying to quit.  Mental and physical. I’m sure you know all like this but it’s just nice to be reminded of it every once in a while and that’s what I have to do for myself. I also pray to God and read a little bit of the Bible every day, in deep search of being able to hear his word, and his guidance.
The great mood that I am in (honestly) and motivating me is Allen Carr’s the Easy Way to Stop Smoking book and I’m getting ready to buy a Video seminar as well to back up my progress on the side as I go through trying to quit.
I am so sorry for the long book. However, I gave the details of what I’m going through.  Hopefully I haven’t put you to sleep yet!  Due to my belief in God and Allen Carr!  I highly encourage you to get at least the book and I am reading it for the second time because there is so much information in there about what smoking does to us and what smoking really is and it helps you decide why am I smoking in order to become a non-smoker I could go on and on about that but anyway, I strongly encourage you to get the book and keep being sure of yourself!
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11 Respuestas

I also like Allen Carr's book and read it, two weeks in to my quit.  It helped change my attitude, helping me realize I'm not giving anything UP, I am gaining control of my life, BACK.  What started the journey of quitting for me, is when I prayed to God to help me want to quit smoking.  I had never asked Him to help me with this before, but I needed his help to get me started.  From that point, for about 2-3 weeks, I spent time learning about this addiction.  I watched every awful smoking video had to offer.  

Hopefully you will get your video soon and start your journey.  I can tell you are excited and I am excited for you.  Quit now and start enjoying your newfound freedom and healthy way of living.  Wishing you ALL the best.  I know it is scary, but the addict in you wil always tell you "you need me".  It's time to stop listening to the nicotine and take charge of your life.  All the best.  Quit day 291


Thank you sooo much. 🤗👍😉😊

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for sharing your journey with quitting! It can definitely help to think of all the amazing things you will gain by quitting! Keep posting on here to let us know  how it's going!

~Margaret, EX Community Admin Team

EX Community Admin Team
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Thank you, I will!

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Hi smeyer.  I'm just starting my journey.  I read your post above and feel your pain.  Hope you are doing well.


Thanks so much for your message! Well, I have bad news to report. I am drowning in affirmations and self-help stuff to quit and I have not been able to do it 🥲.  However, I still have hope and faith that I can, and will do it. I work on this daily. Do you have a quick date yet?


Quit date

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I have a long term absolute must quit by and that is by the end of this year but I don’t think that’s good enough. I need to I need to set a date somewhat soon if not sooner and become a non-smoker PERIOD!  NONSMOKER!!!!!  That part sounds good doesn’t it!


@smeyer1212 Good to hear from you. Don't ever give up.  It's not easy, but it can be done. Update your quit plan and identify what you could have done differently.


And remember to reach out before you smoke.  That's what were for!

Take care


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