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Connect with others living with health conditions


Giving Credit Where Credit's Due and Urging Group Participation, etc

First off, I was going to fess up to going back out after a full 8 days without a cigarette.  I see, however, that I made that rather whiny, snively shame faced admission on 10 January; but, only then because a friend tricked me into coming clean.  He was real sneaky and made some sort of compliment that set me up to just out and out lie to him or (even worse to me) lie to him by deceit and omission of telling the truth.  The truth was that I had used and I wasn't doing good at all!

I divert briefly here.  When I posted the formation of this groupI got very little encouragement to proceed and one out and out arrogant attempt to 'put me in my place' wherever that is!  Quite frankly that just ticked me off; but, I had a secret weapon.  You see I did not like the designation of 'group owner' because that conjures up some images that I do not believe in.  The biggest secret of the weapon is my friend Green Thumb who immediately joined to support me in 'our project'.  His primary contribution th the group is in helping me (to the best of his ability) in my efforts to avoid going over the edge sooner than I did.  Even now he stands by me in my plan to get back on the horse.

With his help, support, and encouragement my new Quit Date is 28 January.  There is a reason that is deeply personal for that.  It was on that date two years coming that my Mom crossed from stage 4 lung cancer.  My brother was kind enough to enable me to reach him in time of need a couple of weeks ago and I have taken him up on it.  I sincerely hope he doesn't mind my disclosure.  Remember I am the one with the Bi/Polar, ADD, etc., not he.  And further tonight I found a resource section here I don't remember seeing before admonishing us to call each other before we lit up, so I guess that is part of the rules.

There is something I feel very strongly about!  I view our group as a body corporate comprised of individuals!  Nobody owns anybody or any thing; but, it is critical to me that each individual group  member feels free and indeed feels an urge to post a group blog and/or a group discussion topic under the group site.  You will find the bar to press to pull up yhe format for you!


I trust you to please keep this piece of info within the group!

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8 Replies

Back on the horse Yee haw cowboy you can do it made it 8 days this time don't turn back 

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Keep a nice steady stride on that horse, bigbear! Take one day at a time and look at the good things in your quit, there are way too many to ignore.

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Keep coming here and read the blogs and blog.  Take what you feel will work with your quit and apply it.  what works for one may not work for another.  For me drinking lots of water, doing deep breathing, getting out and doing some walking(kind of hard now that its so cold in Michigan)and coming here throughout the day and reading all the blogs.  We are all here to help and encourage you.

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Everyone is different and we are all human, to slip and set another date is a huge deal.  Pat yourself on the back for that.  I am on day 4 and it is very hard and I hope that if I slip I will have enough courage to keep trying.  we are here for you

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Hey Big Bear! Glad to see you posting. You can do this! Slow and steady.

Not sure if you meant this to be a public blog or just in the group - but I think you are safe here.

Be well.

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Big Bear, I am quite confused.  Out in the EX World Community blogs you claim to be on Day 88.  Here you say you smoked a cigarette after 8 days, and you have a new quit date of January 28th.  Which one is it?

I relapsed and smoked 2 sickorettes after 83 Days!!  I had to come clean with the group, admit what I had done, and reset my quit clock.  Anything less than total honesty here is not going to help you, but only hurt you.  The heartache, anger, and humiliation I felt towards myself when I had to reset my clock- it was terrible!  But I made a decision that day that I NEVER EVER want to go thru DAY ONE again. PERIOD.  So that relapse, and total honesty actually saved me and helped me to put together 2 years of ONE DAYS. 

Everyone on this site understands a relapse.  I doubt that there are very many "golden children" who came on this site and made it the very first time around.  Kudos to them if they did, but I had to go through what I had to go through.  Wishing you a strong commitment to never put one of those nasty things in your face again!

Choose breath over death. 



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I am new to ex as well as this group. My quit date is in 1 week. I am bipolar primarily depression with anxiety disorder and a recovering alcoholic. I have smoked for 42 years and use cigs to self medicate expecially for anxiety and stress. I hope there will be a lot of participation with this group

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Constance....WELCOME!!  You will probably find your best support out in the Community Blogs where I see you have been posting.  I too suffer from anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD.  Am I going to let any of that get in the way of my QUIT???  NO!!!

Do your homework.  Every single time someone tells you to visit a site or to read something - DO IT!  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER here.  Know your enemy and get a good, positive mental attitude that you CAN DO THIS!!  The fear of quitting is way worse than the quit itself.

One of my many heroes on here is Katherine Frederick - she quit suffering with I believe bipolar and schizophrenia.  WE DON'T HAVE TO LET OUR MENTAL ISSUES GET IN OUR WAY!  WE CAN STILL OVERCOME!!

Positive thoughts for you on your Quit Day.  Blog your heart out.  If you feel like lighting up a smoke, write a blog first and wait for 3 answers.  A craving only lasts 3 minutes.

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