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Connect with others living with health conditions

Daily Tips and Exercises for the COPD Patient (From Lincare)

My fiance picked up a pamplet at his doctors office recently that has some breathing exercises in it. I'm going to type them out for you because I think they will help some of you who are unsure how to help your breathing get better. Besides doing these, please talk to your doctor about going to Pulmonary Rehab if your insurance will cover it. It would truly benefit you.


All of us take breathing for granted for most of our lives. It is something we do 12-20 times a minute with little or no thought. We are all experts at breathing.

Some of us, however, will develop shortness of breath - sometimes due to exercise or exertion, and sometimes due to disease processes.

An important component of breathing air out is that the lungs "rebound" after we take a breath. This is due to the elastic properties of the lung, and to the upward movement of the most important muscle in breathing: the diaphragm. In chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), the lungs lose their elasticity and the diaphragm no longer moves upward as rapidly as it should.

The end result of these losses is that the work of breathing increases due to the extra effort needed to get the air out of the lung during exhalation. For most of us, the diaphragm - located in the abdomen, is our most important breathing muscle. It does about 65% of the work during normal breathing. During times of exertion, we utilize the backup breathing muscles, most of which are located in the upper chest and shoulder areas. People with COPD have a tendency to stop using the most efficient respiratory muscle - the diaphragm - and use the back-up muscles instead. these backup breathing muscles are inefficient when compared to the diaphragm.

The diaphragm is also an important muscle for coughing. Because it becomes flattened in COPD, it is no longer as effective as it should be for coughing up mucus.

In order to help you overcome the shortness of breath and the difficulty in coughing up mucus you may be experiencing, we will be providing you with a series of exercises and techniques to improve your ability to move air in and out of your lungs and to assist you in making your cough more productive and efficient.


Here ends this post. I'll post each technique/exercise in a seperate post (lots of typing - LOL). Hope this helps you. I know I found some of this information useful.

Etiquetas (1)
Etiquetas (1)
6 Respuestas

I'm elevating this post. It's old but hopefully some people looking for COPD information will find it.

There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.

Yes for sure. I have COPD. I'm on going on 2 months of not vaping. 2 years no cigarettes. Breathing exercises are extremely important for people that have this disorder. So glad to have found this post daily reminder to be mindful of my breathing. After I broke my hip in my back and I had broken my foot in 2008. All the things that go along with getting older as well arthritis blah blah. Teasing a reason to give up exercising. I walk everyday I get to 10,000 plus steps. Although it's not always a continuous walk with the steps. I try walking up a slight flight of stairs. Arm exercises light leg exercises my point is even with COPD are for out of shape whatever it is we can still do things I think our biggest enemy when it comes to exercising, is the same really for why we smoked excuses. That I can't do it it's too hard I'll start tomorrow the same things I said with vaping and smoking I'll start it next week next day blah blah didn't happen until 2 months ago. I cannot stress enough how wonderful this community is, to have subgroups is just terrific I just found these different groups it's absolutely wonderful. 

Tracey Decambra

Thank you!

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I used to go walk at the mall, thinking about starting again!

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I need all the encouragement I can get. I’m so frightened that my breathing will not improve.  I have quit a couple times in the past two months, but I panic and go back. I’m taking Chantix now and reset my date according to the Chantix orders.  I would like to follow your helpful tips so I can live with this darn disease and not dread the rest of my life.  Thank you so much for posting.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@KPSadony You got this! Also, consider posting in the main forum so more community members can see your post and offer encouragement!

- Danielle, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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