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We had a lovely, lovely weekend here in rural Pennsylvania.  Not too hot, almost no humidity, and a soft breeze blowing in the opposite direction of the freshly fertilized fields to the east of us.  

I opened every window in the house to blow out the shut-in-for-the-entire-winter mustiness.  I love this time of year!

By Sunday morning, every surface in my house was covered in a dusting of yellow pollen.  The entire house needed to to be swept, dusted, or vacuumed.  I am having the worst allergy attack of my life.  I can't decide if it's connected to quitting smoking, or if just leaving the windows open was enough.  Could be a combo.  

Everything itches but I'm not smoking.

Keep the Quit
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12 Replies

@PastTense I had the yellow pollen here also, except it was outside.   All over my car etc.  I didn't know you were in PA.  So am I.




It's a small, small world, @Barbscloud !

You want to keep that pollen outside.  I can't breathe and everything itches.

Whereabouts in PA are you?

Keep the Quit

I'm in Pittsburgh.  Lived in the city my whole life but move outside of Pittsburgh about 7 years ago.  Where are you?

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I love Pittsburgh!!!!

We visited there a couple of years ago.  It is a charming city, and so lovely with the hills and rivers.  The Heinz museum is EASILY one of the best, most engaging museums I have ever visited.  And I am a museum junkie.  I love museums.

I'm smiling now thinking about the great trip we had to Pittsburgh. 

I'm near Reading - which is near nothing.  BUT, I can see the Appalachians out my front window and we have all the hiking and biking and kayaking available to us within minutes.

Keep the Quit

@PastTense My allergies in the Northeast are horrible this year...I can so relate...I can’t be outside and I can’t open up my windows and doors.  After 7 years in PA I will be glad to sell my house and move to my Florida home.  I have spent all morning on my nebulizer asthma is caused by my allergy...hoping it gets better soon P/T... I live in Doylestown PA...close to Jersey...wishing you a good day...~ Colleen 

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I'm sorry to hear you are suffering, too, @sweetplt .  I hope your house sells quickly - real estate in PA seems to be HOT right now.

Doylestown has one of my favorite museums of all time, the Mercer!  It's a great place to take a first-time museum goer or teen-agers.  Absolutely chock-full of interesting gizmos and gadgets.  I hope you get a chance to visit it before your leave.

I am having a GREAT day reminiscing about my favorite museums!!!

Keep the Quit

Me Bad P/T @PastTense I have never been to the Mercer museum and I am so close to it...we were transferred here almost 6 years ago...I would love to go over and see it, you peaked my curiosity...will keep you posted ... 


I love introducing folks to museums.  Can't wait to hear your impressions of it.

The Mercer is definitely in a class by itself.

Keep the Quit
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@PastTense  Did you go to the Warhol Museum when you were here?  I'm guilty too.  We have things near by and don't utilize them.   I made an effort to do some of those things a couple of years ago.  Did the Warhol, Science Center, etc.  Went to the Carnegie Museum many times growing up, but it's been a while.   


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