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Connect with others living with health conditions

75 Feet

That's how far my Oxygen cord runs. 

So if I want to go upstairs I can either get my Concentrator upstairs or put on my portable. I have 2 portables - one has 3 hours of O2 and one has 1 1/2 hours. And obviously if I leave the house I need my tanks - probably both just in case. 

This has caused a huge change in my lifestyle. It may be temporary or it may not. I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and he says no crystal balls - no predictions as to if and/or when I may stabilize and come off the O2 or at least be nighttime only. 

I am in the process of applying for disability accommodation at work and medical leave until I can at least stabilize with oxygen.

Overnight I went from moderate COPD to Severe. Now I am making inquiries into what I can do to adjust whether I keep working or not. Having been employed for less than one Year at Comcast makes my options more limited.

I am not anxious!

I have turned my worries over to the Lord and will take it one day at a time!

Any experiences or suggestions would be very much appreciated. 

I am attacking this change like I do with almost everything - research, research, research!

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38 Respuestas

Huge hugs from me to you Thomas! Hang on to your Spirit my friend and Fellow Exer I am sending good thoughts and prayers up for you in all areas of your life! Darned cigarettes really play havoc with our lives! 

I will keep you in my daily Sing friend. 


So sorry to hear all this Thomas.  I did not realize that you are on oxygen.  Hopefully they will get you stabilized and it will be a short term situation.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


So very sorry Thomas, I will be praying for you to stabilize.


I am so sorry to hear this Thomas.  You are such an inspiration to so many here.  I hate it when bad things happen to good people!  Prayers for you friend.

Thinking of you Thomas.


Dearest Thomas.

Sending you light and love and strength.

I'm so sorry about this change.



Well, doesn't that just STINK?!!!!!  I am so sorry! 

(not to second guess the medical folks, but is your shortness of breath a constant, or does it come and  go???  I think sometimes the medical folks are too quick to "solve" the problem with solutions that are fine for THEM, but not so good for US!)  After all of my maladies over the past few years, I have come to take any and all medical advice as only suggestions....

I know you will do your research and ask all the right questions of your doctors.  I just hate to think of you forever after now being tied to those machines. 

Hoping for a better solution for you!



Hi Thomas.  One year ago in August I was in ICU with respiratory failure.  (Not good.)  I was sent home on oxygen and a  steroid medication via nebulizer and a bronchodilator by neb.  The very next morning I hooked up an oxygen tank and went walking.  I was as weak as a kitten.  I had been very sick for quite a while and had been in ICU for 4 days. I continued to walk as far as I could go each day.  One pulmonologist I saw a month after I got out of the hospital told me I needed a lung transplant.  He told me to go to Duke right away.  That was 15 months ago.  I am not on oxygen.  I have not been for almost a year.  There is always hope.  Make sure you vitamin D level is over 50.  I keep mine between 60 and 70. I know you eat well.   I continually watch my nutrients and take lots of vitamins.  I think you are just in an exaccerbation.  I don't think getting worse would happen that quick.  Praying for you.    Barbara