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Spring in Texas

It seems.every region of the country has it's particular weather woes, ours is blistering heat during the summer.  I am hoping I planted early enough this year so that we can harvest before the season of scorching sun arrives.  I tend to do better with Fall gardens but we shall see how it goes this Summer.ll


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If your cats are like our cats, they see the garden as huge litter box.  Irritates my husband.  Hope you get alot to eat from your garden.


  • @biscuit9 this morning the Tabby made himself a little spot in the garden to curl up on, right on top of one the young corn plants--no idea what goes on in the brain of a cat!!!  So far I haven't seen either of them using it as a litter box, but I am not out there all the time so I am pretty sure they do--what cat could resist all that dirt?
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It’s coming along @ReallyReal , every little bit you can harvest will be worth it . We never start planting  here until the May long weekend , a very short growing season here . I can’t wait . Unfortunately I can only do planter gardens now . How was it to plant this year knowing that you are smoke free and don’t have to stop for breaks to satisfy addiction . Great I bet . Update us as it grows .. 


@Anonymous planter gardens are great too--what do you grow?  I am considering planting some herbs in planters but not positive when.  We have some lemon basil growing in the garden and I will see how that does.  As to being tobacco free this planting season--it has been a joy.  I am still in the midst of feeling like life without smoking is filled with daily revelations as I go forward and discover so many new ways to be tobacco free.  I am amazed at the richness of a life without those chains.

I wish you well.  May planting for you will be here before you know it--Time moves along so very quickly it seems.  I lost track of Easter's date this year and was surprised to find it is already upon us--a joyous Season to be sure.


@ReallyReal I plant herbs on my windowsill in my kitchen.  Absolutely, basil.   Then oregano and another herb.  This past year it was dill.   I use up all of  my basil;  my favorite! I make caprese  everything. 

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@Barbscloud how wonderful!  Yes, I fantasize about fresh herbs--so nice that you are able to grow them in your window.  What a treat.

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Hi @ReallyReal , sorry , just getting back to this now , nice to sit now and read some posts , a busy day here , but in answer to your question I grow a couple varieties of tomatoes , I have done beans , as well as lettuce , spinach and  strawberries . I am going to try cucumbers this year with a trellis and see how that goes . If I had some more five gallon pails I’d experiment even more because you could easily do other things . I do not grow herbs ( should do because I do use lots of herbs ) in my cooking . I do mint because it keeps mosquitoes away and by the way  is apparently  good to keep wildlife away as well and rabbits . I love the smell of mint as well . Usually I put a pot of that on my deck , the fragrance is nice and no mosquitos . I do miss however a huge garden so much . You are going to have a nice one there , so do you water at all by hand or just rely on the heavens to provide ? Nothing like rain water ..  

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