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Gardening Lovers

Its almost that time of year, to start thinking of planting. What are you planting this year?

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43 Respuestas

&5* today, so I am going to get the tiller out. Its a little early but it looks like an early spring.

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Supposed to be 75 degrees...

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TxLady, a cheap and easy way to kill areas of your yard for garden space or re-seeding is spread a dark plastic tarp over the area you intend to kill off and let the sun do it's work for a few days. probably need to weight it down with something. Whatever is under it will be dead in a week or so. The alternative is to dig it up or spray herbicide or have someone like me come around and tear the heck out of it with a tractor. heh, heh.

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Potatoes, onions, beets, turnips, spinach, carrots, kale out there so far. probably do green beans, squash, cucumber,  tomatoes, and a few things I'm probably forgetting as it warms up. Also raise chickens and organic grass-fed beef. used to keep some honey bees, but some mysterious malady made them all disappear. Also raise a few catfish for the table and when we're lucky get a little fruit, berries,  and nuts when the weather is optimal. We have participated in the local farmers' market in the past, but we had drought which kind of discouraged us the last couple years. It's all a coin toss. HAHAHAHA

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Herbs. I have the hardest time growing herbs from a pot inside. Suggestions? I would love to have my own herb garden.

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Well the laST 2 DAYS, i'VE BEEN PLANTING and almost have every thing in. I still have to plant corn, peppers, tomatoes pumpkins and cukes. Its still a little cool yet.

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Your orchid is beautiful! Really cool!

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Hello?  No has posted here in a long time. Is everyone out gardening? I do have a question. Since we moved this is the first time I have been able to grow things like watermellon. How do I know when to pick it? Will it continue to ripen after it is picked?

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Hi Jody. I always waited untill it thumped when you tapped on it or it smelled sweet.

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Hi cyn. Thanks for responding. I picked the first one, 13 1/2 lbs, and it was still green inside. I tried the tapping and thought it sounded ok but evidently not! I have another one I will probably pick tomorrow. The sound when tapped does sound better this time and the part resting on the ground is creamy. I'll let you know what I get.

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