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Fresh Growth in Winter Season from an Ex Friend

I got such a beautiful gift yesterday I had to share..... My friend Patricia,

IrishRose‌ sent me ~ this garden -outdoorzee woman a very cool plant and it arrives safe and sound. It is Oregano. I have had many Oregano plants in my garden but never this particular variety. It looks sorta like Begonia . Anyway, thanks so much Pat. I adore it and am even getting ready to root a start off of it to be on the safe side.

Love and Hugs~Missy

It's in a bit of shock right now because I was at work when it arrived yesterday , and as you can see out the window, we have that 'WHITE STUFF' but it already is looking much better after being repotted


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I am sure it WAS in shock...I am equally sure that it won't be for long.  I have never seen this variety either...


Its very cool 


What a glorious view of the forest you have.  I hope it will bring you peace and comfort as you recover from your surgery.  I LOVE watching the birds in my birdbath from my kitchen window.  I can't haul seed anymore, so I got a heater for my birdbath that keeps it from freezing (and had an electrician put in an outdoor receptacle next to the bath).  Keeps my friends close all winter!

I hope you will have help with the dinner tomorrow!

Enjoy that big, wonderful family of yours!



Not so much a forest, but heavy wooded area. We love it. So different fro where we were, more woods here than at the farm.  Loving it, less to mow, lol

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I am happy for you Missy, and your friendship with Irish Rose

And you ladies, all of you, believe it or not, make me miss snow.  All the beautiful pics MarilynH‌ is posting, and now this beautiful white outside Missy's window...

Maybe it is also the fact our kids are moving into their first house in the suburbs of Boston, and maybe my sub-conscious started thinking I could go back to a 4 seasons state...I don't know, grand kids will definitely play into a decision like this


Daniela2016‌ , I miss the four seasons too.  I miss the snow; I miss the trees changing color and the cool dry air of the Fall; I miss tulip and hyacinth bulbs blooming all around in the Spring.  Grandkids play a big part in future decisions.  You are blessed.  I say, go for it!!!    Snow is such a peaceful view, downright spiritual with no prints in it.

((((((hug)))))) for you,



Oh Dear Pat, IrishRose you mention the hyacinths, and tulips, can I add lilac in late spring and the smell of the fall?

Do you know I spend a fortune here in spring time buying hyacinths in pots and  setting them on my desk at work, so I can fill my lungs with their beautiful smell.  Wait, I think I might have a pic somewhere

Image may contain: plant and food

And fall was always my favorite season, when I got married I wanted pictures in the park (November 12), to capture the beautiful colors, here is one, unfortunately the color technology wasn't great in Romania 35 years ago...

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, wedding, tree, outdoor and nature




Thank you lady G!

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