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Any Gardeners out there?

Unknown-1.jpegSpring arrives in 19 days!!!!!!!

This is a nice group I would like to see take off. Its a magical thing to dig in the dirt and watch seeds develop into a thing of beauty. Just trying to stir some interest for this group. 

I am starting / rooting things inside now. A tad early yes, but some of the things I root stay inside to cut from for recipes.

Gardening is fun .....vegetables, flowers, trees...etc.... also a good 'finger busy' activity when your quitting smoking.

If your new at it start with rooting, so easy and fun for kids/grandkids to watch. If you go to the group called GARDENING LOVERS, you can see my last post /blog with some things I started 4 days ago and then a pic of them today!  Happy Almost Spring Everyone!


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 Wow.  Looks like you have really healthy soil. I can smell it now!  I got my Hort diploma, 3 years of slogging, at Kew.  I love fungi. Speaqking of which, "What do you call a mushroom who takes you out to dinner and buys you your drinks all night?  A fungi to be with.

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lol  There's a fungus amungus.

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I'll put it on my list of things to do!  Love the mushroom house!  Too bad it doesn't have any mushrooms in it!  They are gorgeous, aren't they.  So many different kinds, shapes, colors.  Here today, gone tomorrow.  

Shrooms were $5 a gram back in the day. How about a cash crop for all those musicians? 


I am intrigued by this idea...also on my 'to do list'

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Whoever thought there was something called mushroom spawn.  When I think of spawn I think of fish.

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I’m so glad I found this site. Thanks to Jackie. I love to garden!!!  I’m nervous about doing it for the first time smoke free. I was thinking that I’ll truly be a non smoker once I get through everything once in a year. Even then they will be challenges but it’s 88 days and I can’t wait to plant!!!  I want to wear my shirt that says still plays with dirt! And I love it



Dig in


Doing everything for the first time smoke-free is just weird Barb102‌  But if you're AWARE that it's going to probably be that way,  you're PREPARED for it to be.  And preparation is what helps to keep us free.  

"So prepare, say a prayer, Send the word, send the word to beware...."

If you're aware and prepare and beware, you won't need a prayer.  Wear that "plays with dirt" shirt!  Kudos on the



Just picked a nice bunch of salad greens.  These are from the fall garden.  A little fertilizer and a bi8g boost of rain made for a nice crop to cook and for a tasty salad.