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Random Brain Farts Room

I know I can't be the only one with strange thoughts...........

Be Careful, it stinks in here!
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12 Respuestas

So I have a dream................

I'm going to go around the world collecting everythihng I can find made of styrofoam. Cups, packing peanuts, old name it. Styrofoam has great insulation properties you know. This is what I'm going to do with all of it. I,m going to shred it up into small pieces. Hopefully a paper shredder will work because I will have an aweful lot of shredding to do. Then I'm going to make small holes in the walls of my mobile home and pour all of the shredded styrofoam inside. I think my electric bill will go down. I'll also have something else to spend my time on.
0 Kudos

This is what I do when I'm stuck on the toilet in a public bathroom. I estimate the dimensions of the tiles on the floor, usually 4,6 or 12 inches. I use this number to estimate the length and width of the stall. If I'm sitting in the stall next to the wall, I do the same thing with the tiles on the wall and calculate the square footage of the walls and front and back sides of the stall. If there are no tiles on the wall, I just estimate them. I take those numbers and figure the volume and surface area of the stall in cubic or square inches, feet and yards.If I'm still in the bath room after all of that, I might figure out how many gallons that is. If that isn't enough, I look at the patterns in the tile or the bumps on the ceiling to see if there are any hidden images. Hopefully by that time, I won't be in the bathroom anymore.
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I wonder how far a lost hellium balloon travels?

I think I might do an experiment. I will get a whole bunch of hellium balloons and put little notes on all of them to who ever finds my balloons. I will ask them to conact me to let me know where the balloon ended up. To be scientific, I will have to use a large enough sample size and perform the experiment on different days and then average out the results. I hope that the person who finds my balloons can read English.
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I'm going to figure out what the surface area of an average egg is. Once I find that number, I'm going to figure out the surface area of my house. I want to know how many eggs it would take to cover my entire house in egg shells, excluding the roof and crawl space.
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My brain is always working overtime. I hope it doesn't short circuit one of these days.
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If I have ten cats and I collect all of the fur they shed for one year, would it be enough to make a fluffy pillow?
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Can you make a candle out of ear wax?
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Are you ever afraid that someone has hidden cameras in public bathrooms or in the changing room at an apparel store? I am.
0 Kudos

Sherri, baby. You need to get some sleep!!
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