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Tell Me Something Good!

I thought maybe we could start a spot here where we could post the highlight of our day.

Example:    Yesterday while shopping I was starving (bad thing to do) my resolve to not eat "junk" was getting weaker and weaker.    I was actually on my way over to the deli to get "just a few" cheese curds and ran smack into a woman giving samples of mangarin oranges, apples and granola.     I took an apple and granola sample, thanked her for being my angel and went on my way shopping WITHOUT going to deli.      

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6 Respuestas

Yesterday I got home from work and I was starving and craving some bread and butter, I opened the fidge to get the butter and saw the pineaple I got to make my shake, that was what I did, made my shake (juice) that have about 95 calories and I was good and happy for not having stuffed my face with bread.

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I had 20 family members over saturday for a euchre party and bought a big container of dark chocolate salted carmels to serve(140 calories for 1).  Everyone just loved them.  I put one away in a little plastic baggie and gave it to my daughter then weighed in in front of her and told her she could not give me that salted carmel until I lose 5 lbs.  I cannot wait to have that 5 off so I can have that carmel!

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Good for you Louise!!!

I decided I would allow myself a little piece of chocolate on Sunday.   Had that and it satisfied my crave.

I just went and weighed in and sent in my pictures for the beginning of the DietBet 4.    I plan to work hard to make my goal there!

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I was tired of being good....yearning to step back to the wild side....

NO, I did not smoke, but I did order a nice, greasy pizza with pringles to boot...

My body thanked me for letting it know that we can still have fun, and dropped 2 pounds since my Sunday weigh-in weight....

It will probably be back by this Sunday, but I did find it interesting & yummy...

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Still on steroids and eating everything I can get my hands on. Still drinking my water and trying for 11 each day. When I weighed in this morning I had only gained two pounds after weeks of being on steroids. I truly think that drinking 8-11 glasses a day keeps things in check. Today I'm LIVING OUT LOUD and loving it!!

Candy   d194

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Spring has arrived in Central Virginia! My mood has been elevated to one of hope and renewal. This week, I pledge to eat healthier and move more!

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