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Sunday Weigh In

This section will be used for reporting your WEIGHT LOSS to the group each Sunday. If you care to share, where you are to your overall weight loss goal, that's good too!

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222 Respuestas

Sorry I didn't post my weigh in yesterday.  For some reason on the weekends when I'm on my tablet I can't get to the groups only the blogs.  Anyways down 1 lb. so down a total of 4 1/2 lbs.  Slow but steady I guess.

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Sunday 03/09

Lost 1 1/2 lbs this week--have 13 1/2 lbs to go. Have a great smoke free day everyone!

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Great job Judy!      I lost 2.6 # this week!    (But I have much more than 13.5 to go!)  Anxious to do weigh in and start on Dietbet!        Also, I'm really liking SparkPeople for helping me monitor food plan.      Great day to all!     Sharon

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Good Morning All!!!

The sun is shining in Maryland...

It appears that I have lost a pound...the waist measurement is about the same...

You know, it's funny...the scale doesn't move much with me...My husband, on the other hand, is melting away...

Due to doing some exercise, I feel like I'm getting smaller...but it's the hidden muscles, wayyyy back under...that I can feel starting to get stronger...BUT

...when I look in the mirror, I can't see them because they are covered up by my belly...

I am just going to keep at it...logically, it will have to change...

I am not a bad eater, but I'm trying to do even better...because if I want my tummy to flatten out...I have got to improve on my eating I suppose...

I am not a cookie or cake monster at all...I do eat candy to ward off smoking...but my quit is not ready to do without lollipops...uh uh, no way, not yet...

My huge downfall is Pepsi ; )

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Wow Judy and Sharon, that's great!!!

Can't wait to report such numbers...this quitters & losers group was a good idea...

Have a wonderful the sunshine : )

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Down 1 1/2 this week for a total of 6 lbs. I know the drinking 8 glasses of water every day has really helped, makes me feel so full.
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I'm stuck at only 5 pounds shed so far. I have to change something, so today I am going to try the Spark People site that Shawn and Sharon like....I may be getting more calories than I think. My downfall is cheese. I love cheese. I don't eat or drink sugary stuff, so it has to be the amount of cheese I eat! 

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Can u try the lowfat cheese, I know it's not the same...but it's a little bit of both worlds without totally giving up what you love...

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Great job everyone. This was my 1st week so am EXstatic over 4 pounds gone, still a looooong way to go. ; ) I signed up on spark but need to learn how to use it because I know I will have to start tweaking things soon to keep losing. I am drinking lots of water but haven't had the time to pledge.

Moody I read recently that if you use a "stronger" cheese you will use less. I know parmesan was one mentioned and I think your gouda?

No walking all week despite my great plans, mother nature was uncooperative but I think she may be nicer this coming week.

What a great group. WE ARE AWESOME.

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Popping in late today. I had computer problems late last night and had to reformat my computer. Congratulations to all of you!! you're doing great. This week i stayed the same but it was done purposely. Sunday should be a good result if all goes according to plan. I did do my initial weigh in for dietbet too and that starts on tues. Keep up the great work!

Moody, cheese is packed with calories. I have learned to leave it off my salads cause I can eat a bag of popcorn instead hehe. I do like it at times but its hard to not just have a one or two inch cube.

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