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My Journey to "Back to Healthy"

Well I'm 53 and I quit smoking on 12/28.  The next week I went out and bought a fitbit to get me moving more so I would keep control of the weight gain.  I am as of this morning 161.  When I started my quit back on 12/28 I was 155.  I am not looking for skinny I have no desire for that at all.  With my walking I have had some issues with my knees and hips and know if I can get down 10 pounds I will be able to move easier.  

I know you might think 10 pounds is easy peasy.  It's not for me.  I have always been able to control my eating at night.  It is just a habit to eat small at dinner and nothing else period.  I brush my teeth and even if I go to bed a little hungry that's OK.  

Even though this has controlled my weight to a certain point I eat a lot during the day and don't have much control over it.  I stress eat and geeze do I have a lot of stress at work.  I have started walking 3 times a day at work and two of the walks are small walks but they do help and distract me.

I really want to cut back slowly I would totally fail if I tried something like you are doing Donna.  I just don't have that much control with food.  Still Matcha tea free but once I get it I will happily report on how it is.  

PS:  did not do any cut back today on food but did get at 5:45PM 8,515 steps so did not get my 10,000.  Once it warms up I can do a little walking in the evening but too cold still.  

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158.6 this morning but I would not advise to lose it like I did yesterday.  Working out has always been something I have done.  I have spent a lot to do that.  I have the Wii I have Jillian Michaels I have Zumba and the list goes on and on.  The Wii had too much time in between one thing to the next.  Jillian Michaels I would just get frustrated too hard.  and Zumba love it and love to dance but again can't get all of the moves.  

What is the one thing most of us can do "Walk".  I have seen these DVD's in a lot of stores and thought what the heck why are these so popular and everywhere.  I just could not imagine what the workout was.  My treadmill broke and I was looking into buying a new one since getting outside is not always an option.

I took the plunge and got one and thought what the heck if its not what I want then it's only $10.00.  It came with a stretch band and wow not only do you workout your lower body but you get you upper body in the action.  

5 Mega Miles by Leslie Sansone is my favorite so far.  It has 5 workouts and three are without the band and 2 are with.  The workout lasts no longer than 15 minutes which is perfect for me in the AM or really anytime  You can do one mile to 5.  

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Steady as you go + go + go, that's nice 158.6. (SMILES;-))

Activity is vital, thanks for the comprehensive reviews on everything. That was real helpful. 

What ya think abot the DIETE. The "DIET" word gets a bad rap these days. You mention DIET and no one even thinks you are simply talking about food. I really like the Greek diaita word. & diaitasthai.

I believe these get closer to what we are trying to do (ya think??)

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I think it's perfect!!!  Your work on this site is inspirational can't wait to see your results when you start the real thing.  Just remember everything in moderation including DIETE!!

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It wouldn't be as inspirational without you guys. So it is good for me too. How do you like the new Group Avatar? It came from Shawn

I start my DeTox today, Believe it or not (3 years ago) something very unexpected happened with my first juicing week. I did not read about this, was not expecting it, I was juicing for health and weight reasons. 

My depression completely dissapeared. Juicing is a lot of work so Ugggh on that part but I am anticipating a fresh high energy. (I haven't juiced in a while so this is good) 

I hope you can relax a bit this weekend.  No work Have Fun!

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158.6 this morning so it was not just a fluke . YAHOOO almost down to the weight I was before I quit.  I have never quit and cried and not started smoking again so dang I love you guys.  I am a Non-Smoker and it's grand.  I  always want to see the glass half full but sometimes it is hard.  I am so glad this week at work is done and I know next week really won't be much better but this is when I realy try and put up my wall of "I can do this".  Just heard on Friday that 6 more people quit so all that means is more transferred files.

Going to get some house work and all of that good stuff in first then get outside and get some yard work done.  Working in the dirt makes me feel whole again.  My husband and I want to do a raised garden this year for some veggies.  I have a huge yard and a lot of flowers and plants but with a raised garden I should be able to have some fresh veggies without all of the hastle of weeding so much.  

Of course the only thing the husband will help with is the building of it then the eating, all of the in between will be up to me.

John I have heard of juicing and it kind of scares me.  Do you use a protein mix at all.  I am actually going to make a smoothie this morning but I use Whey protein to make it last a while.

And yes fighting off depression when I get so overwhelmed at work is a chore but I can do this and I have backup with you guys.  

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Tons of misunderstanding about juicing about mostly about protien, calories and fiber. I'm going to start a juicing discussion soon. The physical, mental and energy benefits for me have been astronomical in the past. (Out weighing all arguments /// Remember everything in moderation and juicing definitly has it's place)

The one truth is that it takes a lot of time, MOSTLY from washing all the veggies prior to juicing. 

I got enough protien around my gut, I can do without it for a few days. (More about this later)

Did you know..... you can make your own yogurt (Plain and Greek) from store bought milk? We get 2 quarts of whey from a gallon of milk and 2 quarts of (Greek) yogurt

I should do a garden too but little time, maybe I will try, wife won't  help much, but maybe. Good luck with yours!


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158.6 again and that's OK.  My niece and I had to run into town yesterday so I did not expect it that good since we ate out at Tokyo Joes.  Not bad for you food.  I'm actually getting better at knowing if I'm really hungry or not or eating for stress,  I will always eat some for stress but I'm getting better at what choices I make,

One of my favorite is vanilla yogurt with walnuts and raisins and cinnamon on top.  You can also do an apple chopped up,  Yum so good and something about the combination of everything keeps you fuller longer.  

Want to get some yardwork done along with finishing my baby quilt and also just chill.  Life is good and getting better everyday as a non smoker.  My husband is sure coughing a lot and I remember that all too well.

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Rgrds to ur cmmt in my LR. You are welcome. I am working on some things for sure. All of our support to each other is so important because there are only a few of us that are active, unlike the main site where there is tons of support for non smokers as it should be,

I think we got a good start here, You helped me TENfold when you reminded me a week before my date came. I was being complacent and not paying attention. I don't think I would've been ready yesterday.

So thank you too.

My first DeTox day went very well.

A little trick I've been playing with myself is REALLY getting mad when I find myself constantly reaching or thinking "craving" for no logical reason. I really got mad when it happened with cigarettes. It helps me to stay on-point throughout the day.

Have a wonderful Sunday. We got new members Candylance, Ladybug, 

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Stopping by to say hi! I have the jillian Michaels on wii. I didnt get far. It is complicated. I have zumba here. It is fun but i i get upset when i miss moves I forgot that i had that here. I know that I read from one of your comments about leslie. here is a video link that was given to me last year.

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Yup that's her.  It might be an older one.  My favorite one is 5 mega miles wow it really works your upper and lower body.  It's also at walmart all the time.  Jillian is pretty hard core.  And John I hope you don't look like this:


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