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My Journey to "Back to Healthy"

Well I'm 53 and I quit smoking on 12/28.  The next week I went out and bought a fitbit to get me moving more so I would keep control of the weight gain.  I am as of this morning 161.  When I started my quit back on 12/28 I was 155.  I am not looking for skinny I have no desire for that at all.  With my walking I have had some issues with my knees and hips and know if I can get down 10 pounds I will be able to move easier.  

I know you might think 10 pounds is easy peasy.  It's not for me.  I have always been able to control my eating at night.  It is just a habit to eat small at dinner and nothing else period.  I brush my teeth and even if I go to bed a little hungry that's OK.  

Even though this has controlled my weight to a certain point I eat a lot during the day and don't have much control over it.  I stress eat and geeze do I have a lot of stress at work.  I have started walking 3 times a day at work and two of the walks are small walks but they do help and distract me.

I really want to cut back slowly I would totally fail if I tried something like you are doing Donna.  I just don't have that much control with food.  Still Matcha tea free but once I get it I will happily report on how it is.  

PS:  did not do any cut back today on food but did get at 5:45PM 8,515 steps so did not get my 10,000.  Once it warms up I can do a little walking in the evening but too cold still.  

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163 Replies

YaHOOO!!!! X 2 4 U!  (That's "FEEL GOOD" great Bonnie!)

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And I have the zip model. It shows faces to you, time, steps, mileage and how many calories that you burned. It also syncs with your computer. I believe all of them do. I also have the fitbit app on my phone so i can use my bluetooth to sync as well.

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I am going to add this info, through the phone app, u can track everything that you do on site, water, food, weight etc plus what the phone app has that the site doesn't is a challenge. U can challenge up to 10 friends a daily showdown, goal day, weekend warrior or a workweek hustle.

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Thanks for the big CUP-O- coffee.  ( and the fitbit info) I hope minimal stress at work is the getting to be the norm again. So have a lighter day today.

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Came in this morning at 159 even.  According to my BMI this is actually the edge of normal range at 5'7" but I have smaller bones so I am truly not in the normal range yet.   I am starting to be able to go further and further without issues due to quiting.  Of course I just don't have the time to put in as much workout as I would like.  Overtime this week is at 2 hours a day or more but I am off Friday.  Have to take my niece to the doctors.  (she lives on the farm and she does not have a Mom around here, long story)   

Yesterday after I really did have a horrible day at work I was getting ready to leave and just for a fleating minute thought wow I would love to have a cigarette.  Then I pulled myself back and said You Don't Do That Anymore and one of my biggest is Never Ever Forget. 

Thank God I don't smoke anymore.

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That freaking stress crap tries to get us every time. But not us anymore. GOOD JOB, GOOD QUIT! ........N.O.P.E.......

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159.6 this morning.  Somehow I think that pringles are not on any healthy plan.  Gave some of my snacks away to my cube buddy across the way today.  But our lunch was brought in again so not sure about the AM.  It's OK I'm still smoke free and have never made it with all of the stress and my husband still smoking this long, so today life is good.

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What a wonderful "low key" wonderful perspective you have. THANKS!

What do Pringles and Poisen have in common?

Have a lighter day today Bonnie! And great job not smoking (with a smoker)

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159.2 or 4 this morning can't remember.  Pringles and Poisen please tell me just the "P" is the common factor.  Not that I will freely partake in them anytime soon but I can still dream.  

Gotta go taking niece to doctors in the AM but instead of having the rest of the day off as planned will go in for a few hours.  Ughh!!!

Oh well, it will work.  I picked up another walking DVD at Walmart this morning and can't wait to check it out.  

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"P" is correct.... Whew. Everything in moderation and with caution. (Right?)

You really are intriqing me with these walking dvd's. What's the appeal between the different ones.

Ughhh about your work, not fair. A few hrs totaly blows a day.

I love the fact and am impressed that you are holding steady with your Diete amongst all this stress. (They say it's a hard thing to do) GREAT JOB!

Origin of DIET: Middle English DIETE from Anglo-French, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita, literally, manner of living, from diaitasthai to lead one's life

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