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As this is a group blog this disclaimer is owned by all group members and/or any person expressing their thoughts within this group regardless whether they are a member of the group or not. The intention of this group is to share all the pros and cons of our personal journey towards a healthier lifestyle. However, these are only our suggestions; we do not advocate any particular practice, method, service, site or product. Nor do we discredit any particular practice, method, service, site or product for any purpose other than to express of our personal experience.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material, contained within this groups parameters is for educational purposes only. The content is not intended and shall not be acknowledged in any way as a substitute for professional nutrition, physical fitness, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Causes for being overweight and in poor physical condition vary from person to person. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss and physical fitness results will also vary from person to person. Another person’s individual result should not necessarily be interpreted as the correct way to achieve your personal goal.

All content in this group is an expression of free speech in the spirit of moral support and is not intended as professional instruction or advice.

Written by John 3/16/15

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3 Replies

This is great, John.  We are all here to support each other and something that works for one person, may not be possible for another.  This group is not to promote any one way of getting healthier other than the obvious...try to increase physical activity as you are able and try to make conscious choices for what you for FUEL, not as a reward or out of boredom.  Eat to strengthen your body. 

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This is great, John.  We are all here to support each other and something that works for one person, may not be possible for another.  This group is not to promote any one way of getting healthier other than the obvious...try to increase physical activity as you are able and try to make conscious choices for what you for FUEL, not as a reward or out of boredom.  Eat to strengthen your body. 

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This is great John, I'm on my third and final cup of coffee and haven't had my breakfast yet . I was up before 7 am and it's almost 9 am now. My eating habits suck big time. I am 55 yrs old 5 ft 1 inch tall, 127 lbs when I quit smoking I was 115 lbs so I definitely would like to lose 12 lbs at least. When I was in my early 20s I was anerexic and I guess that never goes away when I get stressed the last thing I want is food and for me I eat all the wrong food especially chocolate or chips, that's terrible I know. I will try to make it a habit to check in here each day. Great forum. 


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