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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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So precious babies so cute thank you for sharing my beloved Nancy I needed som natural hope in animals and nature dear friend @YoungAtHeart 


Yesterday was amazing here.  I had heard '"stuff" was coming, so I cleaned out the root cellar, swept out the leaves, wiped off the two plastic chairs, shelves, cleared the overhead spiderwebs, etc., dumped out the water from the four, one-gallon jugs which have been there since last year, refilled and replaced them.  All of this going up and down stairs (you can't get to the root cellar from inside).  I don't recall what time the tornado warnings started, but I took my back pack with radio, toilet paper, flashlight, cell phone, towel, extra socks, etc. down there and must have sat for two hours while listening to the local radio broadcasting what was happening all around.  While also watching the radar on my cellphone.  Amazing amount of continuous tornado warnings all over the county goin' on.  The weather radio was on overtime!  And the radar map was stunning.

Fortunately all was well here.  Tornado touched down in a couple of areas, but not here.  Just local flooding.  But it was hairy.

Today was another weeding day.  It's been raining for DAYS so it's a treat to get out there and tend to what's necessary. Hip bursitis is still really bothering me as well as the lower back, but I'm carrying on.  Got a good start on the vegetable garden.  I was just sitting there, sprawled out with the mosqutoes and other chompers, muddy bottomed and mudded kneed,  weeding and thinking, God, this is my idea of heaven.  Seriously.  Sitting in the muck, midst the weeds, struggling to yank them out - I mean this is my idea of FUN!  No wonder i don't have  lot of friends!  HA!

At some point something starting gnawinig and stinging my butt and I'm glad I don't have neighbors (they probably are too), for I just pulled down my jeans and panties and attempted to rid myself of whatever it was.  An ant, I think.  Maybe a red ant.  Whatever it was, it BURNS,  I've learned not to just ignore them.  Because they WILL keep biting!   And actually, even when you DO scrape them off, the pain LINGERS for hours!  

But here's a shot of a little fella that followed me inside.  Isn't he handsome!  There were MANY out there.  Looked them up - Soldier Beetle.  Good bugs.  They eat things we don't like.  (Like people who eat Okra and beets!  lol)   And some of the Arugula re-seeded from last year, so I had the treat of adding it to my salad tonight. 

Over and out for now....

Soldier Beetle 2024 Crop.jpg


SO glad you weren't affected by the weather!  I, too, have been digging/weeding in the mud, but didn't have the misfortune of a bite!  Since I had a horizontal break in my kneecap, they don't want me to kneel anymore lest it open back up, so I have to work bent over.  Guess missing bites is a side benefit!


@Giulia  That is quite the adventure.  Storm cellars have always fascinated me.  I have family in the Abilene area and they all have storm cellars, cos of the tornadoes.  Can you imagine smoking inside one of those cellars?  I guess people do.  Glad you are safe and telling the story of loving to sit in the muck and pull weeds, I just know my daddy would have understood, cos he spent his life in the dirt and he loved it.  Yikes on that bite, sounds funny but I am sure it wasn't.  @SuzyQ411   Not possible you can have a son that age.  He will love the cake you are making him.  What a treat and I hope he knows how blessed he is to have such a young, loving mama.  I guess it's true, they will always be our "babies".   @YoungAtHeart  I know you are happy being in the dirt, as well.  Hope you are having a good day.

I made guacamole today.  Husband made salsa yesterday, so today we had a tex-mex meal with cheese dip.  I will be attending the 7 yr olds soccer game today and that's about it.  It was just thundering outside and looks like rain may be coming.  

I love plain avocado just eating half in morning and half at night once very now and again 

Thank you for sharing dear friend @biscuit9  I appreciate you 

@Giulia  I understand about pulling weeds in the mud 

Sorry you got bitten, but you did give me a laugh.

Tuesday we had 5 tornados touch down 1 county over from us F1.   We were under a warning as circular motion was above our area but nothing touched the ground.


I am so glad your ok on your gluteus Maximus and what a pic pulling all off to get rid of what was biting you....  I was laughing 

That big pic is so cool good job photographer Lady G ..... @Giulia 


Today, Jazmine, the student in our upstairs apartment, came lightly rapping on my kitchen door and whispering to quietly come with her to look at the deer in our city yard. There were three of them! Two laid down under a tree while the largest kept his eyes on us (probably a buck-- no antlers this time of the year for identification.) We have a large park on our side of the city which is full of deer so we assume they wandered in from there... Today (Friday) I will have my hands full baking a birthday cake (from scratch) and cooking up ribs, rice and dry garlic sauce to take with me up north on Saturday to feed my ex and our oldest so who will be celebrating his 62nd birthday! (Yes, I was merely a child when I had Kevin, lol) @Giulia ~ I am so relieved to hear those tornadoes did not land in your part of Tennessee!! I am praying tonight for those in the path of these terrifying storms. Am thankful my son lives in the northeastern section in the mountainous area and away from TN's  "Tornado Alley;" I spoke with my middle son Brian this afternoon and while they had lots of rain and some wind, they were not affected by any tornado activity.  Hope the skin- burning from your visit by that soldier beetle has resolved. And really enjoyed the geese-family you posted ~ @Cousin-Itt : Full day yesterday for you as well with the red fox sighting, your being up on the roof, and then standing out in the open while tornado sires blared! YIKES! (Does Joyce have her hands full keeping you reigned in?) ❤️ . Hope all's well with all you EX folks- sending a "Hi" to all!



I had a good couple of days here.  Grandbabies Thursday always keeps me moving Today I took advantage of the bright sunshine, the 67 degrees and  cool breeze and cut grass today.  It took me a bit longer as I cut the drier areas first and let the wetter areas dry longer.  

Have a good safe day everyone.


I had a SQUAT day!

I didn't DO squat!

Another dank, dark, chilly (in the low 50's after 90 last week), dreary, drippy yucky day, and I am OVER this weather!  Spring!  Where ART thou?

YES - I need some cheese with my whine!  Provolone, please!