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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Morning.  Nancy, condolences on this bridge collapse.  Forget that is where you live.  Such a tragedy and I am praying for all involved and those not found.  @Sootie   I just returned from my RV roadtrip and mostly reading on here.  Glad you are back, as well.  Everyone seems to be moving along, some limping, but that's still moving.  I have a dental cleaning this morning.  Good to see Suzy, Maki, Nancy, Rainbowheart, CousinItt, Sootie, Indingirl today and always.  


Thank you dear friend @biscuit9  so glad to hear from you and moving with a dental appointment you are of great courage in my world I don't like dentist please it is just me and my issues about dentists thank you 

Gentle hug dear friend and prayers too 

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No doubt in my mind you were moving @biscuit9 , good to see you back . 
I looked at the news very briefly this morning to read about your bridge collapsing and the workers lives lost . Very sad . I went on to read updates on other things in the news and had to shut down the computer and put some uplifting and positive music on , yoi , better to be moving than reading lol .. Downstairs is prepared for company should my cous get by this weekend , now off to do the top level , get ready walk the dog , and get outta here … 



 up at 6am and prayed

I chose 7 minute wake up exercise and then a 12 minute aerobic mile and then 2 aerobic walking miles all with Leslie Sansone on utube

Hubby did 7 minute wake up exercise and out the door to spend day with his bff of 40 years to celebrate bff 65th they headed up to Wisconsin yesterday they're Green Bay Packers fan together since they met 40 years ago

We are grateful to be alive and physically healthy and moving forward with everyone today 


Yesterday I was not much in the mood to walk, but I forced myself to do a 20 minute one.  Hips weren't barking; they were howling!  BOOOOOOO!  I have two partial hip replacements (from breaks years ago), and don't know if they are more or less prone to arthritis.  It just seems odd to me that some days they are fine.  I have NO intention of going back into a hospital for ANY reason after that last nightmare, so I will just live with them, I guess.

I finished painting the birdhouse, picked up branches, bundled and lugged them,  and pruned some dead places in my foundation shrubbery.  I was out in the sunshine which made my heart sing!

Rain today, so it will be inside movement for me.  Good to see everyone!


Hope the antibiotics are working!

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They do wear out and if so will cause pain and that can be relieved by not walking I’m told then you start working again it can trigger pain again . I remember if I lifted my leg up it relieved it as well . Took the pressure off the hip . Not worth an ex ray ? Still the ball is in your court ( no hospital ) but you’d at least know . I hear you though , I maybe would do the same , I don’t know , I’m not there yet . You had yours due to injury , I had mine due to arthritis , mine are 28 years old , I would expect some wear and tear on mine with all the walking I do but so far so good last time I checked , but the ball in one does not sit in the socket properly , it’s held together with three screws . 


Good afternoon, everyone

  @YoungAtHeart You most have received the rain that was here yesterday.

  It's has been a cloudy cool day here but this morning I had a nice 4.75-mile walk the longest I've done in a while.  I just kept going a little farther as it felt good to keep my legs moving.  The best part of the walk is I made home just in time for Joyce to fix me a salad and a turkey sandwich. I'll spend the rest of the day playing in my basement until it time to make dinner. 

Have a great day everyone.  


Wow @Cousin-Itt  / Carl-- congrats on that great distance of a walk!!

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Well pup and I got our walk in before I went to class . Wowzers , I really am glad I signed up for this . Today she brought some props . We learned about how our back works , sitting , posture , breathing , and two resistance band exercises as well as others . Definitely getting a lot out of this class , a lot , and glad that there are many more to go . She’s a firecracker , love her energy . She is a great exercise coach . Oh lol everyone showed up 🙂 . How did others do today ? I’m off for a couple things at the store as tomorrow is cold and snow . 


Hello movers.  @SuzyQ411   Can't tell you how that golf ball helped me turn a corner in my grieving process.  The rawness was transformed into that "gentle melancholy" as you put it so wonderfully.  Today anyway!  lol

@RainbowHeart  Gee, you just aren't getting a break, are you.  Hope that antibiotic totally clears it up and without any stomach upset.

@Anonymous  looked up kinesiology.  Fascinating.  I think I had a chiropractor do something on me like that years ago.

@YoungAtHeart   I thought of you when I heard the news.  Just so so awfull.

For me - I did some raking out by the barn and smiling at the golf ball, pick-up sticks, tossing nuts, stretch-reach-bending on the hillside and here are a few snaps of the spring garden treats and an angel in a tomato.  Ya just never know where they're gonna turn up....

Narcissus edit.jpgNarcissus Three.jpgAngel in a tomatoAngel in a tomato